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National Museum of Nuclear Science & History

Logan Emlet

Chemical EngineerX-10 Graphite Reactor

Oak Ridge, TN
EngineerManhattan Project VeteranScientist
Logan Emlet

Logan Emlet was the Director of the Operations Division at the X-10 reactor in Oak Ridge, TN during the Manhattan Project.

After the war, Emlet continued to work at Oak Ridge on the Radioisotope Production Program. In 1948, Emlet, W. Ragan, C.G. Goss, and D.D. Walker sought to demonstrate the production of electricity from a nuclear reactor. The team experimented by transforming a toy steam engine into a generator that altered steam produced by Oak Ridge’s Graphite Reactor to power a lightbulb.

Between 1952 and 1954, Emlet served as the Y-12 Plant Manager.


List of Employees under Emlet- December 1944

1950 letter to Victor Munroe Morrel from Logan Emlet (page 1)

1950 letter to Victor Munroe Morrel from Logan Emlet (page 2)

Logan Emlet runs atomic powered apparatus that lights a light bulb, September 3, 1948

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