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National Museum of Nuclear Science & History

Ralph D. Curry

Radio Operator on the Great ArtisteNagasaki Mission

Tinian IslandWendover, UT
509th Composite GroupManhattan Project VeteranMilitary VeteranNagasaki Mission
Bockscar Original (C-13) Crew

Sergeant Ralph Curry was a Radio Operator assigned to the Bockscar’s original crew. He was a member of the 393rd Bombardment Squadron, a segment of the 509th Composite Group. Before the Nagasaki mission, a mechanical complication forced Major Sweeney and the crew of the Great Artiste to comandeer the Bockscar to carry Fat Man. During the Nagasaki mission, Curry flew as a Radio Operator on the Great Artiste, which acted as an observation ship, along with the rest of the original Bockscar crew.

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