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Pearl Harbor Visit

The USS Arizona Memorial. The memorial marks the resting place of 1,102 of the 1,177 sailors and Marines killed on the USS Arizona during the attack on Pearl Harbor.

By AHF Program Director Alexandra Levy 

In September 2016, my husband and I honeymooned in Hawaii. As both of us have a keen interest in World War II history, visiting Pearl Harbor was a highlight of our trip. 

We spent a full day visiting the sites at  Pearl Harbor. We started at the World War II Valor in the Pacific National Monument, which manages the USS Arizona Memorial. The 30 minute documentary film on the attack on Pearl Harbor is excellent, with rare historic footage. Next, a ferry takes you to the USS Arizona Memorial out in the harbor. The memorial is a white bridge floating above the sunken USS Arizona. The USS Arizona is the resting place of the 1,102 of the 1,177 sailors and Marines killed aboard the ship in the attack. According to the architect of the memorial, “Wherein the structure sags in the center but stands strong and vigorous at the ends, expresses initial defeat and ultimate victory.”

There are three parts to the memorial: the entry, assembly room, and shrine. In the assembly room, visitors can look out into the harbor and see white markers showing where the ships were anchored on that fateful day, as well as parts of the USS Arizona that rise above the water. In one area, the bottom of the memorial has been removed so you can look down on the wreck of the USS Arizona below. 

The shrine lists the name and rank of each person who died on the USS Arizona. There are also plaques listing the names of service members who survived the attack but have chosen to have their ashes interred within the sunken ship. The memorial is a very moving place, where one can contemplate the attack that brought America into World War II and reflect on the sacrifice of American service members who died that day.

Back on land, there are several exhibits you can visit to learn more about the buildup to World War II, the reasons behind Japan’s decision to attack, and America’s role in the war. We found these exhibits to be fascinating, with clear descriptions and intriguing artifacts, including the radar map of the attack on Pearl Harbor and a copy of FDR’s famous “infamy” speech with his edits.

Next, we toured the USS Missouri, which is anchored in the harbor. The USS Missouri was commissioned in 1944 and fought in the battles of Iwo Jima and Okinawa. It was the site of the official Japanese surrender in World War II on September 2, 1945. It also fought in the Korean War and provided fire support during Operation Desert Storm in 1991. On board, you can take a group or audio tour and learn about the history and engineering of the ship. A plaque marks the exact spot where the surrender was signed, and a replica of the surrender document is on display.

We also visited the USS Bowfin, a submarine launched on December 2, 1942 that patrolled the Pacific during World War II. Walking through the submarine and listening to the audio tour, you learn a lot about what life on a submarine was like during the war and the mechanics of operating a submarine. Our final stop was the Pacific Aviation Museum, which features two hangars of historic planes, including a seaplane that survived the attack on Pearl Harbor and a P-40 fighter plane.

The World War II Valor in the Pacific National Monument and the other sites and exhibits at Pearl Harbor provide an affecting and educational experience. We learned a great deal and appreciated the opportunity to remember those service members and civilians who perished in the attack.

For my photographs of our Pearl Harbor visit, please view the gallery below or click here.



A section of the USS Arizona above the water.

This marks the spot where the USS Arizona was anchored during the attack.

A section of the USS Arizona above the water, with Honolulu in the background.

The men aboard the USS Arizona who died in the attack on Pearl Harbor. The plaque in front lists servicemembers who survived the attack and have chosen to be be interred at sea, to be at rest with those who perished in the attack.

“To the memory of the gallant men here entombed and their shipmates who gave their lives in action on December 7, 1941 on the U.S.S. Arizona.”

USS Arizona survivors who have chosen to be interred with their shipmates.

Flowers honoring the survivors interred with their shipmates.

In the USS Arizona Memorial, you can look down into part of the sunken USS Arizona beneath the memorial.

The USS Arizona Memorial is a place to reflect on and remember the servicemembers and civilians who died in the attack on Pearl Harbor.

The USS Missouri, as seen from the USS Arizona Memorial. The USS Missouri was the site of the official Japanese surrender in World War II on September 2, 1945.

Back on land, there are several terrific exhibits on the attack on Pearl Harbor. This is the radar map of the attack on the Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941.

President Roosevelt’s famous “Pearl Harbor” speech with handwritten notes and changes. 

The speech originally stated, “Yesterday, December 7, 1941, a date which will live in world history,” before FDR changed it to the famous phrase, “a date which will live in infamy.”

The USS Bowfin

A statue of Admiral Chester Nimitz by the USS Missouri. Admiral Nimitz commanded the Pacific Fleet and served as the Commander in Chief of Pacific Ocean Areas during World War II.

The USS Missouri is nicknamed the “Mighty Mo.” The USS Missouri was commissioned in 1944 and fought in the battles of Iwo Jima and Okinawa. It was the site of the official Japanese surrender in World War II on September 2, 1945. It also fought in the Korean War and provided fire support during Operation Desert Storm in 1991.

The Mighty Mo.

The guns of the Mighty Mo.

This marks the exact spot where the official surrender of the Japanese was signed on board the USS Missouri on September 2, 1945.

The USS Arizona Memorial and Honolulu as seen from the deck of the USS Missouri. 

A B-17 under restoration at the Pacific Aviation Museum.