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National Museum of Nuclear Science & History

Abel F. Tavares

PrivateLos Alamos, NM

Manhattan Project VeteranMilitary PoliceMilitary Veteran

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John H. Gillette

X-10 Graphite Reactor

John H. Gillette (1916-2014) was an American chemist. A lifelong native of upstate New York, Gillette arrived in Oak Ridge in 1943 after several years of working for DuPont.

J. W. Calderwood

T-Plant/200 Areas

Calderwood worked at the 200 East Area at Hanford during the Manhattan Project. 

S. E. Briggs

X-10 Graphite Reactor

S. E. Briggs worked for Clinton Laboratories at the X-10 Reactor.

Thomas H. Evans

Oak Ridge, TN

Thomas Evans worked for the Tennessee Eastman Corporation at the Y-12 Plant.