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National Museum of Nuclear Science & History

Cloyd Marvin

Technician 3rd GradeLos Alamos, NM

Manhattan Project VeteranMilitary VeteranSpecial Engineer Detachment
Cloyd Marvin

Cloyd Marvin had been drafted into the Army, interrupting his education at Haverford University, in 1943 and joined the Special Engineer Detachment as a technician third grade, later being assigned to Los Alamos National Labs in 1947. He worked directly for Enrico Fermi performing pre-computer calculations for the Manhattan Project and co-authored a paper with theoretical physicists Emil Konopinski and Edward Teller. After his time in Los Alamos he continued his education at Haverford College (BA), Stanford University (MA), and then started at John Hopkins University where he continued working for four decades.

From the 1948 yearbook from when Cloyd Martin was a senior at Haverford College:

Washington, D. C. Mathematics
Cloyd . . . Haverford’s smallest and most ingenious Senior . . . major: mischief . . . career: Marvin bombs and atom bombs . . . devotee of pianos, planes and flutes . . . “I’ll take you up when I get my license” . . . “Oh, piffle-puffle” . . . “Why take my car when we can walk?” . . . future physicist on the skeptical side.

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