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National Museum of Nuclear Science & History

Frank J. O’Donnell

Technician 5th GradeLos Alamos, NM

Manhattan Project VeteranMilitary VeteranProvisional Engineer Detachment

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Joseph Ianotta, jr.

Los Alamos, NM

L. O. Williams

T-Plant/200 Areas

Williams worked at the 200 West Area at Hanford during the Manhattan Project. 

Robert M. Haider

Tinian Island

Robert M. Haider served as a corporal in the 393rd Bombardment Squadron. He was a member of the ground crew regularly assigned to the B-29 Bockscar.

Martin Kamen

University of California, Berkeley

Martin Kamen (1913-2002) was a Canadian-American physicist. Kamen was seemingly destined for a landmark career in physics when he arrived at the Radiological Laboratory at the University of California, Berkeley in 1936.