Gloria worked at the Radiation Lab in Berkeley for the Manhattan Project. She graduated from UC Berkeley, was a fine pianist and taught in the Cupertino School District for most of her career with teaching credentials from W.M. Pierson, cc to W.S. Bigelow. She graduated from UC Berkeley, was a fine pianist and taught in the Cupertino School District for most of her career. She had two children, one became a high school history teacher and the other an orthopedic surgeon. Her grandfather had been a whaler and gone out for the Gold Rush in the early 1850’s, and then sent 8 children to college. Gloria’s father, born in the Bay Area, was sent to and graduated from Harvard and taught science at Galileo HS in SF.
According to Gloria, “she was responsible for the plates/drawings themselves, and had to be sure no chocolate sticky fingers or cigarette ash fell on the blueprints, as “some of the doctors were quite absentminded”. She met Dr.’s Oppenheimer, Lawrence, Teller and Seaborg when they came to the Rad Lab. After the war her husband, Floyd Jensen, went to Cal to finish his degree in Chemical Engineering, and Dr. Glenn Seaborg was his favorite professor.