Harry Kamack graduated from Georgia Tech with a degree in chemical engineering, and then went to work for the DuPont Company in late 1942. DuPont transferred Kamack to Chicago to work at the Metallurgical Laboratory. As a chemical engineer, Kamack did not have much knowledge of nuclear physics, but he quickly learned and was soon working on building a Geiger counter. In 1943, Kamack was transferred to Oak Ridge, where he continued work on developing processes for the separation of plutonium at the X-10 Graphite Reactor. In October of 1944, Kamack was transferred again to Hanford, where he continued research on the chemical separations process of the T-Plant.
Harry Kamack
Chemical EngineerChicago, IL
Hanford, WAOak Ridge, TNT-Plant/200 AreasX-10 Graphite Reactor
EngineerManhattan Project Veteran

Harry Kamack’s Timeline
1942 Started working for DuPont.
1943 Transferred to Oak Ridge.
1944 Oct Transferred to Hanford.