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National Museum of Nuclear Science & History

Hartley Rowe

Industrial EngineerLos Alamos, NM

EngineerManhattan Project Veteran
Hartley Rowe. Photo courtesy of the Historic Boston-Edison Association.

Hartley Rowe was an American industrial engineer.

Rowe worked on the Panama Canal; for Lockwood Greene, an engineering firm; and for the United Fruit Company, where he rose to become vice president.

He was recruited to join the Manhattan Project in 1944. He worked at Los Alamos on the transition from weapons research to production on the implosion program. He was a member of the “Cowpuncher Committee,” which supervised the implosion effort. After the war, he served on the General Advisory Committee to the Atomic Energy Commission.


Hartley Rowe’s Timeline
1882 Born in Goodland, IN.

1904 Graduated from Purdue University with a degree in electrical engineering.

19041908 Worked on the Panama Canal project.

19081917 Worked for Lockwood Greene, an engineering firm, in Detroit, MI.

19441945 Worked on the Manhattan Project at Los Alamos.

1946 Appointed to the General Advisory Committee of the Atomic Energy Commission by President Truman.

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