Howard C. Bush was the base camp commander for Trinity Site.
Howard C. Bush
1st LieutenantTrinity Site
Los Alamos, NM
Manhattan Project VeteranMilitary PoliceMilitary Veteran

Radio reporter George Cremeens at Ground Zero, Trinity, 1945
Radio reporter George Cremeens with Kenneth Bainbridge at Trinity, September 1945. Courtesy Howard C. Bush Collection, AHF.
Bush at Trinity, 1945
Gibson, Cremeens Post-Trinity, 1945
1943 Bush Transfers to Trinity, 1/3
1943 Bush Transfers to Trinity, 2/3
Dirksen, Cremeens Post-Trinity, 1945
Lernor, Bush, Dirksen at Trinity
1943 Bush Transfers to Trinity, 3/3
Bush at a ceremony, 1958
Bush at polo match, Los Alamos 1
Bush at polo match, Los Alamos 2
Bush Newspaper Article, 1945
Legion of Merit Commendation Award Letter, 1/3
Legion of Merit Commendation Award Letter, 2/3
Legion of Merit Commendation Award Letter, 3/3
Mounted military police squad, Los Alamos
Mounted military police squad, Los Alamos, Names
Mounted Military Police, Trinity 1945
Mounted Military Police, Trinity 1945
Radio Interview Post-Trinity, 1945
Tribute Article, November 25, 1945, 1/2
Tribute Article, November 25, 1945, 2/2
Trinity Group Photo