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National Museum of Nuclear Science & History

Hyman Rudoff

ChemistLos Alamos, NM

Manhattan Project VeteranScientist

Hyman Rudoff (1912-2006) was a Canadian-American chemist.

Rudoff was born in Montreal. He received a B.S. and an M.S. from McGill University before going on to earn a Ph.D. from Oxford University in England. In 1944, Rudoff went to Los Alamos to work on the Manhattan Project. During his time there, he worked on conventional explosives and electronic instruments. After the war, Rudoff worked for General Electric, including work on plastics and insulation that was used for the space program.

Hyman Rudoff died on February 27, 2006, in Petaluma, California.

Hyman Rudoff’s Timeline
1912 Born in Montreal.

1939 Earned a Ph.D. from Oxford University.

19441945 Worked on the Manhattan Project at Los Alamos.

19491976 Worked for General Electric.

2006 Feb 27th Died in Petaluma, California.

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