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National Museum of Nuclear Science & History

John Francis Moynahan

Military Veteran, MED Public Relations OfficerMarshall Islands

Los Alamos, NMTinian Island
Manhattan Project VeteranMilitary VeteranPacific Nuclear TestsTrinity Test Eyewitness

John Francis Moynahan was a Public Relations Officer for the Manhattan Engineering District, and later worked as an international public-relations consultant. He was awarded the Bronze Star for his work on the Manhattan Project. Moynahan was born in Boston, MA, on April 11, 1912. He graduated from Boston College in 1933. In 1942, Moynahan was called to active duty. He served with the Army Air Forces and Office of Strategic Services (OSS).

Leslie Groves appointed his trusted aide, William A. Consodine, to be in charge of the Manhattan Project Public Relations Program. He made this effort to prevent information about the secret project from spreading and to control the release of project news. Moynahan then became Consodine’s assistant.

On July 16, 1945, Moynahan witnessed the Trinity Test. Shortly after, he traveled with Major General Thomas Ferrell to Tinian Island. After the war he was assigned as the Chief of the Press Branch of Operation Crossroads, conducted at Bikini Atoll in the Marshall Islands.

He later wrote the book Atomic Diary about his wartime experiences. Moynahan passed away on March 26, 1985.

John Francis Moynahan’s Timeline
1912 Apr 11th Born in Boston.

1933 Graduated from Boston College.

1942 May 25th Called to Active Duty.

1945 Jul 16th Witnessed the Trinity Test.

1946 Became Chief of the Press Branch for Operation Crossroads.

1946 Nov 4th Retired from the Army Air Forces as a Lieutenant Colonel.

1948 Created John Moynahan & Company.

1976 Retired from John Moynahan & Company.

1985 Mar 26th Passed away.

Boston College, 1933.

Ferrell and Moynahan at Tinian.

William L. Laurence and Moynahan at Tinian.

Atomic Diary Cover

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