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Judith Lynn Parkhurst

ChildOak Ridge, TN

Dayton, OH
Family Member of Manhattan Project Veteran

Judith Lynn Parkhurst was born on March 18, 1934, in Shelbyville, Indiana. Judith had two brothers, James born in 1941, and David born at Oak Ridge in 1947. Judith says she lived in Athens, Georgia for some of her childhood.

Judith’s father, Milton Parkhurst, worked at Oak Ridge, so she and her siblings spent a portion of their childhood living here.  

Judith participated in many of the activities available to children growing up at Oak Ridge, and made friends in doing so. She was a member of the “Little Atoms Club,” and the Girl Scouts. She was active in church activities, such as Vacation Bible School. She also participated in the Children’s Theater of Oak Ridge. 


Information provided by Judith’s son, Michael Long. 

Judith Lynn Parkhurst’s Timeline
1934 Mar 18th Born

Judith’s “Honorable Mention” photograph from a Children’s Contest 

Judith with her doll

Judith’s Oak Ridge ID Badge, 1946 

Judith’s “Little Atom Club” Member Card, 1947-1948

Milton Parkhurst and his wife Geneva Fay Williams

Milton Parkhurst

Milton’s War Department Certificate, Awarded in 1945

A flattop house, possibly where Milton and his family lived at Oak Ridge

Judith (bottom row, third from left) posing with other Girl Scout members

Judith’s Girl Scout membership certificate

Judith’s Oak Ridge Patch, possibly from Girl Scouts 

Judith’s Theater membership card, 1947, Oak Ridge 

Judith’s Vacation Bible School Certificate

Judith’s Certificate of Promotion, Sunday School, 1947

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