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National Museum of Nuclear Science & History

Marjorie Schrader

Project StaffHanford, WA

Manhattan Project VeteranProject Worker/Staff

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C. M. Robinson

Y-12 Plant

C. M. Robinson worked for the Tennessee Eastman Corporation at the Y-12 Plant.

J. C. Hart

Research & Development/300 Area

Hart worked at the 300 Area at Hanford during the Manhattan Project.

Richard A. Bice

Los Alamos, NM

Richard A. Bice was an engineer. He joined the Manhattan Project at Los Alamos in 1944, rising to become the alternate Group Leader in X-Division.

Ed Westcott

Oak Ridge, TN

Ed Westcott (1922-2019). was the official US Army photographer of the Oak Ridge, Tennessee site for the Manhattan Project.