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National Museum of Nuclear Science & History

Paul J. Esterline

EngineerLos Alamos, NM

EngineerManhattan Project Veteran
Paul J. Esterline's Los Alamos ID badge photo

Paul J. Esterline was an engineer. He attended Ohio State University for two years, and then attended the Chicago Technical Institute in the late 1920s, learned engineering drafting there. He was working for the Excello Aircraft and Tool Corp. in Detroit, MI when he was recruited for the Manhattan Project in 1943. He directed the Engineering Department at Los Alamos from Dec. 1943 through April 1944. His wife and two children accompanied him to Los Alamos. After his Manhattan Project work, he returned to work at Excello.

Paul J. Esterline’s Timeline
1906 Oct 13th Born in Alvordton, OH.

19241926 Attended Ohio State University.

1930 Mar 15th Married Irene Bagley.

1943 Dec1944 Apr Worked on the Manhattan Project at Los Alamos as director of the Engineering Department.

19351965 Worked at EXCELLO in Detroit, MI.

Esterline family photo at Los Alamos during the Manhattan Project. Paul Esterline made the sled himself.

Paul Esterline’s New Mexico driving license

Paul Esterline’s quarters certificate

Document showing the Esterline family had moved out of their home at Los Alamos

Army-Navy “E” Award pin certificate

Excello Aircraft and Tool Corp. document

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