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National Museum of Nuclear Science & History

Perry O. Williams served in the First Ordnance Squadron.

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R. W. Chamberlain

Research & Development/300 Area

Chamberlain worked at the 300 Area at Hanford during the Manhattan Project. 

Mary Frankel

Los Alamos, NM

Mary P. Frankel was one of the “human computers” at Los Alamos during the Manhattan Project. In the spring of 1943, Frankel and her husband, Stan, an American physicist who later became a computer scientist, arrived at Los Alamos.

Hall Grange

Hanford, WA

Jack Miller

B Reactor/100 Area

Jack Miller worked as a plant operator at Hanford. He began by working at the 300 Area under Leona Marshall, then switched to the 100 Area where he continued working for 33 years.