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National Museum of Nuclear Science & History

Richard "Dick" Skancke was a security guard at Los Alamos during the Manhattan Project from late 1946 until late 1947. Among his responsibilities was transporting materials between the three Manhattan Project sites, often using retrofitted ambulances or other covert methods. He also worked to maintain the high level of secrecy of the Manhattan Project, sometimes to the dismay of the civilian workers. One of his most important duties as a security guard was safe-guarding bomb material anytime it was out of the vault.

Security guard Weber driving a truck

Los Alamos Security Guards Weber, Lt. Dittleson, Yarnall, and Dick Skancke on a Sightseeing Trip to Old Fort Garland, NM

Los Alamos Security Guards Weber (in Truck) and Dick Skancke on Run From Los Alamos to Hanford, WA to Pick Up Plutonium

Los Alamos Security Guards Weber, Yarnall and Dick Skancke on Run From Los Alamos to Hanford, WA to Pick Up Plutonium

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