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National Museum of Nuclear Science & History

Robert H. Brown

Chemical Engineer/MetallurgistChicago, IL

Hanford, WA
EngineerManhattan Project VeteranScientist

Robert H. Brown was a chemical engineer/metallurgist. He was educated at Drexel University and Massachusetts Institute of Technology. In 1932, he went to work at The Aluminum Company of America Research Laboratory,  New Kensington, Pa. At the outbreak of WWII he was the Director of the Chemical Metallurgy Division at that laboratory.  He was a consultant on the Manhattan Project through the end of the war; as such (his family learned some years later) he traveled to the University of Chicago, Muscle Shoals, AL, and Hanford, WA. Of course what his work was is not known. When he retired from ALCOA in 1969, he was Assistant Director of Research. 

Information submitted by his son, Donald Brown.

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