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National Museum of Nuclear Science & History

Robert R. Keppel

Technical SergeantLos Alamos, NM

Manhattan Project VeteranMilitary VeteranSpecial Engineer Detachment

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Mary N. Mosher

Hanford, WA

J. Frank Suazo

Los Alamos, NM

Frank Suazo was a part of the civilian support staff at Los Alamos from August 1942 to May 1954. A New Mexico native, Suazo helped prepare meals for the scientists and workers of Los Alamos, as well as painting many of the site's buildings and laboratories.

S. B. Warden

Oak Ridge, TN

James A. Jensen

Hanford, WA

James Jensen was a machinist at Hanford, Washington from September 1944 to the end of the war. Jensen's security clearance allowed him to machine parts and complete various tasks for the maintenance of the nuclear piles.