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National Museum of Nuclear Science & History

Ruth A. Casler

Laboratory Technician; Chemistry DivisionChicago, IL

Manhattan Project VeteranProject Worker/StaffScientist

Ruth A. Casler was a lab technician in the Chemistry Division of the University of Chicago’s Metallurgical Laboratory (“Met Lab”) during the Manhattan Project. 

On January 9, 1922, Ruth A. Casler was born in Chicago, Illinois. She graduated from Perdue University with a degree in chemistry. Casler joined the Met Lab on December 1, 1943. While at the lab, Casler worked in several different groups within the Chemistry Division.

During her time at the Met Lab, she also met her future husband, Wallace E. Voreck Jr., at a square dancing and hiking group. Voreck Jr. was a chemical engineer, who worked for oil and national defense companies. He worked at the Bikini Islands and Nevada nuclear test sites.

The couple eventually settled in Sparta, New Jersey and had three children. At the age of ninety-five, Ruth A. Casler passed away on January 28, 2017 in Sparta, New Jersey.

For more information about Ruth A. Casler, please see the following reference:


Ruth A. Casler’s Timeline
1922 Jan 9th Born in Chicago, Illinois.

1943 Dec 1st Began working at the Met Lab.

1951 Married Wallace Voreck, Jr.

2017 Jan 28th At the age of ninety-five, died in Sparta, New Jersey.

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