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National Museum of Nuclear Science & History

Shirley Lewallen

TypistHanford, WA

Manhattan Project VeteranProject Worker/Staff

Shirley Lewallen was a typist for the Manhattan Project recruitment office in Hanford, Washington between 1942 and 1944.

While at Hanford, Shirley married B. W. Lewallen, a liaison between the DuPont Company and the U.S. government. Shortly after marrying, the couple moved to Orange, Texas in December of 1944 to work at another DuPont facility. In 1947, Shirley became a stay-at-home mother. Over the next few years, DuPont transferred Lew and the family relocated from Texas to Georgia and then South Carolina. After returning to Orange, Texas in 1967, Shirley worked for the local government before retiring in 1989.

Shirley Lewallen passed away in 2018 at the age of 93. For more information about her life, click here.

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