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National Museum of Nuclear Science & History

Vernon Struebing

ChemistLos Alamos, NM

Manhattan Project VeteranPostwar Nuclear ProgramScientist
Vernon O. Struebing

Vernon O. Struebing was a chemist who worked at Los Alamos as a civil scientist during the Manhattan Project.

Struebing worked at Los Alamos for thirty-five years before his retirement in 1980, where he also served on the Board of Directors. His work was focused on plutonium metallurgy. After the war, Struebing worked in the Plutonium Physical Metallurgy Group, which studied the physical properties of plutonium. He was responsible for preparing metallic alloy samples for further study by the group. Struebing also worked on neutron diffraction studies, and he published a number of scientific papers on a variety of chemical and physical subjects. 

Struebing died in New Mexico on April 20, 1980, at the age of 59. 

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