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National Museum of Nuclear Science & History

Victor Munroe Morrel

Chemical EngineerX-10 Graphite Reactor

Oak Ridge, TNSylacauga, AL
EngineerManhattan Project Veteran
Victor Munroe Morrel with family. Photo courtesy of Jake Morrel.

Victor Munroe Morrel worked at the X-10 Graphite Reactor at Oak Ridge, TN during the Manhattan Project.

A chemical engineer, Morrel worked for the DuPont Company before World War II, first in the rayon division, then in the explosives division. He received a draft deferment during the war.

After training at the Repauno Explosive Works in Gibbstown, New Jersey, Morrel was chief tetryl (an explosive compound) chemist at the Kankakee Ordnance Works near Joliet, Illinois. He also worked on the construction of DuPont’s heavy water plant at Sylacauga, Alabama. He was then sent to Knoxville, Tennessee, where he stayed until he found a place to live in Oak Ridge in September of 1943. Morrel was employed at Oak Ridge until 1945 and worked under Dr. Logan Emlet.

He continued to work for DuPont after the war in the rayon, explosives, and film divisions. Morrel passed away in 1971.

Thanks to Victor’s son, Jake Morrel, for contributing information and photographs for this profile.

Victor Munroe Morrel’s Timeline
1911 Aug 9th Born.

1931 Nov 4th Began work at the DuPont Company.

19431945 Worked on the Manhattan Project at Oak Ridge, Tennessee.

1971 Passed away.

Victor Munroe Morrel with his wife Jane, fellow Manhattan Project veteran William N. Mobley, and his wife Jean Mobley.

Map of Oak Ridge houses with the Morrels’ address indicated.

Passes and identification cards from Morrel’s work at Oak Ridge.

Victor Munroe Morrel’s Manhattan Project certificate.

Telegram from DuPont president Walter Carpenter thanking Hanford employees.

1945 letter informing Morrel of a bonus.

Letter sent by Walter Carpenter to DuPont employees, August 24, 1945.

1950 letter to Victor Munroe Morrel from Logan Emlet (page 1)

1950 letter to Victor Munroe Morrel from Logan Emlet (page 2)

Letter from Walter Carpenter reminding employees to keep information about atomic energy secret.

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