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National Museum of Nuclear Science & History

Related Profiles

Ford Whipple

K-25 Plant

Whipple worked at the K-25 plant at Oak Ridge during the Manhattan Project. He was also a member of the K-25 basketball team.

C. A. Boggess

B Reactor/100 Area

Boggess worked at the 100-F Area at Hanford during the Manhattan Project. 

Edgar Sengier

Manhattan, NY

Edgar Sengier (1879 – 1963) was the director of Union Miniere du Haut Katanga. After being warned by British scientists regarding the potential danger were the uranium ore to fall into the wrong hands, Sengier decided to transport half the uranium stockpile from the Congo to the United States in 1940.

Roy H. Beaton

T-Plant/200 Areas

Beaton worked in the 200 West Area at Hanford during the Manhattan Project.