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National Museum of Nuclear Science & History

Atomic Heritage Foundation

Oral History
Gordon Garrett’s Interview
June 12, 2018
Nathaniel Weisenberg: My name is Nate Weisenberg with the Atomic Heritage Foundation. It is Friday, December 22, 2017, and we’re here in Washington, D.C. with Mr. Gordon Garrett. And my first question for you is if you could please tell me your name and spell it. Gordon Garrett: My name is Gordon Garrett. That’s G-o-r-d-o-n […]
Oral History
Harris Mayer’s Interview
June 5, 2018
Nathaniel Weisenberg: My name is Nate Weisenberg. I’m here with Harris Mayer in Los Alamos, New Mexico. It’s October 11, 2017. My first question: if you could just say your name for the camera and spell it, please. Harris Mayer: My name is Harris Mayer, H-a-r-r-i-s M-a-y-e-r. Weisenberg: Thank you. I know you had a […]
Oral History
Martin Mandelberg’s Interview
April 23, 2018
Cindy Kelly: I’m Cindy Kelly. It is Friday March 16, 2018. I’m in Washington, DC, and I have with me Martin Mandelberg. My first question for him is to please tell us your name and spell it. Martin Mandelberg: Absolutely. My name is Martin Mandelberg. M-A-R-T-I-N. M-AN-D-E-L-B-E-R-G. Kelly: That’s perfect. We would like to know, […]
Oral History
Robert S. Norris’s Interview (2002)
April 19, 2018
Robert S. Norris: By the late 30s, physicists, in Europe primarily, but some in America too, were making great discoveries about the atom. The key date here was January 1939, when European scientists had discovered fission. News of that was brought to the United States by Niels Bohr. Actually, it was brought to Washington, DC, […]
Oral History
Victor Kumin’s Interview
April 18, 2018
Intro to Recording: Narrator: Today is the 15th of May, 2012. This recording is of Victor Kumin, and it is being made at his home in Warner, New Hampshire. Early Years at Harvard and Woods Hole: Victor Kumin: My career at Los Alamos really did begin with my career at Harvard, as a major in […]
Oral History
Krik Krikorian’s Interview
April 17, 2018
Nerses Krikorian: My name is Nerses Krikorian, N-E-R-S-E-S K-R-I-K-O-R-I-A-N. I was born in Harput, Turkey in 1921, January of 1921, to Hachig and Lucy Krikorian. Somehow or another they extricated me from the genocide which was prevailing and in a four-year period managed to get me from Turkey, where I was born, through Aleppo, where […]
Oral History
Philippe Halban’s Interview
April 12, 2018
Cindy Kelly: I am Cindy Kelly, and this is Thursday, December 14, 2017. I’m in Geneva, Switzerland, with Philippe Halban. My first question is for you to tell us your full name and spell it. Philippe Halban: My name is Philippe Halban. I usually pronounce it the English way. It’s spelled the French way, with […]
Oral History
D.M. Ellett’s Interview
April 10, 2018
Nate Weisenberg: My name is Nate Weisenberg. It is Tuesday, October 17, 2017. I’m here in Albuquerque, New Mexico with D. Ellett. My first question for you is if you could please say your name and spell it. D.M. Ellett: It’s D, initial only, M, Ellett, E-l-l-e-t-t. Weisenberg: Tell us a little bit about your […]
Oral History
Mary Brennan’s Interview
April 6, 2018
Cindy Kelly: I’m Cindy Kelly, Atomic Heritage Foundation. It is Tuesday, October 17, 2017. I am in Santa Fe with Mary Brennan. My first question for Mary is to say her full name and spell it. Mary Brennan: I’m Mary Brennan, that’s B-R-E-N-N-A-N. Kelly: Great, do you have a middle name? Brennan: I use Godschalx, G-O-D-S-C-H-A-L-X. Mary Godschalx Brennan. […]
Oral History
Clifton Truman Daniel’s Interview
April 5, 2018
Cindy Kelly: I’m Cindy Kelly. This is the Atomic Heritage Foundation in Washington, D.C. It is Wednesday, February 28th, 2018. I have with me a special guest, Clifton Truman Daniel, who is here in Washington, D.C. I wanted to ask him to say his full name and spell it. Clifton Truman Daniel: Okay. Clifton Truman […]