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National Museum of Nuclear Science & History

Atomic Heritage Foundation

Oral History
Peter Lax’s Interview
February 18, 2016
Cindy Kelly: My name is Cindy Kelly with the Atomic Heritage Foundation. It is January 8, 2016, and I am in New York City with Peter Lax. My first question for him is to say his name and spell it. Peter Lax: Peter Lax, spelled L-A-X. Kelly: Great, thank you. So I would love to […]
Oral History
Walt Grisham’s Interview
January 26, 2016
Walt Grisham: Okay, what you’re looking at is our old family well. It’s a little different than it used to be, because it’s sitting kind of up on the top of a bank here. After the project was built, they did a little roadwork out here and cut it way down. But where I am […]
Oral History
Bill Hudgins’s Interview
January 20, 2016
Cindy Kelly: I am Cindy Kelly. It is October 14, 2015. We’re in in Los Alamos, New Mexico and my first question for the gentleman with me is to tell me your name and spell it. Bill Hudgins: William G. Hudgins. W-I-L-L-I-A-M. G stands for Gordon. Hudgins. H-U-D-G-I-N-S. Kelly: First, could you start by telling […]
Oral History
Isabella Karle’s Interview (2005)
January 19, 2016
Isabella Karle: Isabella Karle. I-S-A-B-E-L-L-A K-A-R-L-E Cindy Kelly: Terrific. Could you tell us how you happened to become part of the Manhattan Project? Karle: My husband, Jerome Karle, completed his work for the PhD degree about four months before I completed mine. By the time I had completed my work, he was already ensconced at […]
Oral History
Jerome Karle’s Interview
Jerome Karle: My name is Jerome Karle. And it is J-E-R-O-M-E K-A-R-L-E. Cindy Kelly: Great. Dr. Karle, can you tell me about what you were doing in the early 1940s and how you happened to become part of the Manhattan Project? Karle: Well, I had just finished my work in 1943, for my graduation on […]
Oral History
Ralph Lapp’s Interview
Ralph Lapp:  I am Ralph Lapp, L-A-P-P. I am a physicist, nuclear physicist, an author, and a consultant. I have engaged in finance and technology. Interviewer: Great. What can you tell us about your role in the Manhattan Project? Lapp: Well, my role was quite a small one, but to me fascinating. I was in […]
Oral History
Roger Rasmussen’s Interview
December 22, 2015
Roger Rasmussen: Hi, I am Roger Rasmussen. That is R-A-S-M-U-S-S-E-N. I am the son of Rasmus. That is what it means. It is Danish. My dad came from Denmark. Cindy Kelly: When were you born? Rasmussen: I was born in Mason City, Iowa on November 13, 1920. I refer to that as the Middle Ages. […]
Oral History
Carl Higby’s Interview
December 4, 2015
Carl Higby: My name is Carl Higby. Last name spelled H-I-G-B-Y. Carl with a C. Tell us how and when you came to Hanford. Higby: Well, in 1950 when I graduated at Washington State University, a recruiter was visiting the WSU campus and made a job offer. It turns out that was the only job […]
Oral History
Gabriel Bohnee’s Interview
[Interviewed by Cynthia Kelly, Tom Zannes, and Thomas E. Marceau.] Gabriel Bohnee: My name is Gabriel Bohnee. I’m Nez Perce tribal member, work for the Nez Perce’s tribe Environmental Restoration and Waste Management Office as an environmental specialist. How’d you first learn about the Hanford site? Bohnee: I first learned about the Hanford site through—I […]
Oral History
Theodore Rockwell’s Interview (2005)
Ted Rockwell: It’s Theodore Rockwell, R – O – C – K – W – E – L – L. And what do you want to know? Cindy Kelly: Okay. Tell us about how you happened to go to the Manhattan Project? Rockwell: Well, they were interviewing at school. I came along interviewing for a […]