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National Museum of Nuclear Science & History

Atomic Heritage Foundation

Oral History
Adrienne Lowry’s Interview
February 6, 2015
Cindy Kelly: I am Cindy Kelly, Atomic Heritage Foundation from Washington, D.C. and it is Tuesday, January 14, 2014 and I am here with Adrienne Lowry, who was married to Joseph Kennedy, a radio chemist with the Manhattan Project. Adrienne, let us start with you. Can you tell us your name, say your name and […]
Oral History
Louis Turner’s Interview
[Interviewed by Cynthia Kelly and Tom Zannes.] Tell us your name. Louis Turner: My name is Louis Turner.  L-O-U-I-S T-U-R-N-E-R. I’m a metallurgical engineer. Graduated in 1941 from the Colorado School of Mines. I was working in Denver Ordnance Plant when I was asked if I would go to Chicago by DuPont. They wouldn’t tell […]
Oral History
Julius Tabin’s Interview
February 5, 2015
Michael Lewis: Julius, tell us a little more about some of the personalities at Los Alamos. First, I know that you were very close with Enrico Fermi. Give us a feeling for what he was like as a person. Julius Tabin: When I knew Enrico he was in his early forties. Unfortunately he died at […]
Oral History
Kattie Strickland’s Interview
February 2, 2015
Cindy Kelly: Today is Tuesday August 13, 2013, I am Cindy Kelly, Atomic Heritage Foundation. With me is Denise Kiernan and Valeria Steele and her [grand]mother, Kattie Strickland, and we are so delighted to have you here today. Our first question for you is to say your name and spell it. Kattie Strickland: My name […]
Oral History
Gale Kenney’s Interview
December 10, 2014
Kelly: My name is Cindy Kelly of Atomic Heritage Foundation and this is Friday, November 7, 2014. And I am here in Hobe Sound, Florida and I have with me Kenney. The first question is to please tell me your name and spell it. Kenney: My first name is Gale. G-A-L-E. My middle initial is […]
Oral History
James A. Schoke’s Interview (2014)
December 5, 2014
Kelly: Okay, this is Cindy Kelly. It is Friday, November 7, 2014 and I’m in Delray Beach, Florida with Jim Schoke. First question is please tell me your name and spell it. Schoke: James A. Schoke. James, J-A-M-E-S A. S-C-H-O-K-E. Kelly: Great. We have a wonderful interview with you about your Manhattan Project days and your […]
Oral History
Tom Forkner’s Interview
December 4, 2014
Cindy Kelly: I’m Cindy Kelly. It is Thursday November 6th. I am in Atlanta, Georgia. I have with me Mr. Tom Forkner. My first question to him is to tell me his name and spell it. Forkner: How about T-O-M, F-O-R-K-N-E-R. Kelly: Thank you. So let’s start at the beginning. Maybe you could tell us […]
Oral History
Rosemary Lane’s Interview
November 4, 2014
Cindy Kelly: Terrific. I am Cindy Kelly, President of the Atomic Heritage Foundation and we are in Rockville, Maryland. The date is Wednesday, October 1st, 2014. I have the privilege of interviewing Rosemary Maiers Lane. The first question is to ask please tell me your name and spell it. Rosemary Lane: Spell it? Well it’s […]
Oral History
David Kaiser’s Interview
October 10, 2014
Cindy Kelly: I’m Cindy Kelly, Atomic Heritage Foundation, and it’s Monday, September 8, 2014. I’m at the campus of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MIT, with David Kaiser. The first thing I’d like him to do is tell us his name and spell it. David Kaiser: My name is David Kaiser. The last name is […]
Oral History
William E. Tewes’ Interview (September 2013)
September 30, 2014
Cindy Kelly: This is Cindy Kelly. It is September 6, 2013. I am in Oak Ridge, Tennessee with Bill Tewes. So Bill, can you tell us your name and spell it? Tewes: Sure. My name is William Edward Tewes. And the first and second names are obvious, but to spell my last name, it is T-E-W-E-S. […]