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National Museum of Nuclear Science & History

Atomic Heritage Foundation

Oral History
Haskell Sheinberg’s Interview
March 11, 2014
Cindy Kelly: My name is Cindy Kelly, it is Wednesday, July 31st, 2013, and I’m here with Haskell Sheinberg. And the first question to him is, please tell us your name and spell it. Haskell Sheinberg: My name is Haskell Sheinberg. And the first name is H-A-S-K-E-L-L, last name S-H-E-I-N-B-E-R-G. Kelly: Perfect.  Sheinberg: I haven’t […]
Oral History
Darrell Dvorak’s Interview
March 6, 2014
  Cindy Kelly:  I’m Cindy Kelly. It is Friday, February 7th, 2014. We are in Alexandria, Virginia and we are here today to interview and talk about Colonel Heflin. And this is his son-in-law. Would you please introduce yourself? Say your name and spell it?  Darrell Dvorak:  My name is Darrell Dvorak.  Kelly: Could you […]
Oral History
Catherine Dvorak’s Interview
Cindy Kelly:  Okay, it is Friday, February 7, 2014. We’re here in Alexandria, Virginia. My name is Cindy Kelly, Atomic Heritage Foundation. I’m interviewing the daughter of Colonel Heflin, and she is here. Please tell us your name.  Cathy Dvorak:  Cathy Dvorak.  Kelly:  And spell it please.  Dvorak:  D as in David, V as in […]
Oral History
Robert Kupp’s Interview
February 24, 2014
[Interviewed by Cynthia Kelly and Tom Zannes.] Robert Kupp: My name is Robert William Kupp. Did you say spell it? Yes. [Laughter.] Kupp: Robert William K-U-P-P. And the age is eighty-two. I’ll be eighty-three next month in July. So, Mr. Kupp, I wanted to know, what were you doing before you came to the Secret […]
Oral History
Kenneth Pumphrey’s Interview
Alexandra Levy: All right, my name is Alexandra Levy with the Atomic Heritage Foundation, and we are here on December 27th with Kenneth Pumphrey in Florida. My first question is to please say your name and to spell it.  Kenneth Pumphrey: My name is Kenneth Pumphrey, and I am 86 years old. My name is […]
Oral History
Richard Renner’s Interview
February 18, 2014
Alexandra Levy: Okay, this is Alexandra Levy with the Atomic Heritage Foundation, and we are here on December 27 in Florida with Richard Renner. My first question is to please say your name and to spell it. Richard Renner: Okay, my name is Richard, and Renner is spelled R-E-N-N-E-R, it is palindromic. Levy: Can you tell […]
Oral History
Dunell Cohn’s Interview
Cindy Kelly: It is January 14, 2014, and we are in St. Louis, Missouri. And I want to ask the first question of you, which is to tell us your name and spell it.  Dunell Cohn: My complete name is Dunell Edlin Cohn, D-U-N-E-L-L. Edlin is E-D-L-I-N. And the last name is Cohn, C-O-H-N. Kelly: […]
Oral History
Dolores Heaton’s Interview
February 11, 2014
Alexandra Levy: This is December 29, 2013. We are here with Dolores Heaton in Florida. This is Alexandra Levy with the Atomic Heritage Foundation. My first question is to please say your name and to spell it.  Dolores Heaton: Dolores Heaton, D-O-L-O-R-E-S H-E-A-T-O-N.  Levy: Could you tell us a little bit about where and when […]
Oral History
Esther Stenstrom’s Interview
Alexandra Levy: We are here on December 27th in Florida. This is Alexandra Levy. I am with the Atomic Heritage Foundation. And we are here today with Esther Stenstrom. My first question for you is to please say your name and to spell it.  Esther Stenstrom: My name is Esther L. Stenstrom, E-S-T-H-E-R, middle initial […]
Oral History
Helen Jernigan’s Interview
February 6, 2014
Cindy Kelly: My name is Kelly. I am with the Atomic Heritage Foundation. And I am in Oak Ridge, Tennessee today, which is Friday, September 6, 2013. And we are very fortunate today to have Helen Jernigan. And I am going to start by asking Helen to say her name and spell it. Helen Jernigan: […]