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National Museum of Nuclear Science & History

Atomic Heritage Foundation

Oral History
Bert Tolbert’s Interview
November 20, 2013
Kelly: This is Cindy Kelly, and I am in Boulder, Colorado. It is June 25, 2013, and I am going to be interviewing Bert Mills Tolbert. And the first question for Bert is to say his name, and then spell it? Tolbert: My name is Bert Mills Tolbert, spelled T-O-L-B-E-R-T. Kelly: Why don’t you start […]
Oral History
Norman Brown’s Interview
November 19, 2013
I was in the SED, the Special Engineer Detachment and I worked in what was then called D-Building and with my college James Gergen I purified all the plutonium that went in the Nagasaki bomb.  That’s what I did. The purification that we used was purely in the liquid phase. We worked with solutions of […]
Oral History
Harold Hasenfus’ Interview
November 15, 2013
I was a member of two Special Engineer Detachments: I worked at the University of Chicago at the Metallurgical Laboratory and I also worked in Oak Ridge Plant, conceived and designed by Philip Abelson, who is probably here today. I lived in the barracks area when I was at Oak Ridge and I lived in […]
Oral History
Theodore Rockwell’s Interview (2002)
  Well I was very young at the time. I went down there in 1943, down to Oak Ridge, TN.   They were interviewing at Princeton where I was going to school. They guys said that they had a very important war project going on down there. And I said, “Oh what’s it all about?”  […]
Oral History
William Spindel’s Interview
I was in the Special Engineer Detachment and I was four-stripe sergeant when I got out of the army in 1946. I worked in a group that was doing primarily coatings for the implosion bomb. I was in the army and I was recruited to be in the Special Engineer Detachment. Of course I was […]
Oral History
Gwen Groves Robinson’s Interview
November 11, 2013
Cindy Kelly: Okay, I am Cindy Kelly, Atomic Heritage Foundation. It is Sunday July 7th, 20 13 and I am in Scarborough, Maine, with Gwen Groves Robinson. And the first question I am going to ask her is to tell us her name and to spell it. Gwen Robinson: To spell my name? It is […]
Oral History
Herb Depke’s Interview
November 4, 2013
Cindy Kelly: Okay. I am Cindy Kelly from the Atomic Heritage Foundation in Washington, DC. It is May 2, 2013 in Raleigh, North Carolina. I have with me Herb Depke. Could we start with you saying your full name, Herb, and spelling it?  Depke: My full name?  Kelly: Full name.  Depke: Herbert Walfred Depke, H-E-R-B-E-R-T, […]
Oral History
Roy Glauber & Priscilla McMillan on Oppenheimer
October 25, 2013
Priscilla McMillan: Roy, you knew Oppenheimer at Los Alamos and you knew him again when you were a fellow of the Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton. Had he changed? Did he lead those two institutions differently and behave differently or the same? Roy Glauber: That is a very complicated question to answer. Oppie was […]
Oral History
Roy Glauber’s Interview (2013)
Cindy Kelly: I am Cindy Kelly, the date is June 6, 2013, and we are here with Dr. Roy Glauber. And your first question is to tell me your name and spell it. Tough one, start with a tough one. Roy Glauber: I probably can even spell it! I am Roy Glauber and that is […]
Oral History
Ellen Bradbury Reid’s Interview
October 17, 2013
Cindy Kelly: I am Cindy Kelly with Atomic Heritage Foundation and it is Wednesday, July 31, 2013 and I am with Ellen Bradbury Reid. My first question for Ellen is to please tell us your name and spell it.  Ellen Bradbury Reid: Ellen Bradbury Reid. Actually I was Ellen Wilder, and then I married John […]