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National Museum of Nuclear Science & History

Stephane Groueff

Oral History
K.T. Keller’s Interview – Part 1
November 14, 2014
Keller: My father was a very poor boy. And, in fact, their family had been broken up when he was eleven years of age. And he was indentured to a Mennonite preacher farmer in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania who raised him. And when he was twenty, he went into business as a horse dealer in the […]
Oral History
General Kenneth Nichols’s Interview – Part 1
November 12, 2014
Stephane Groueff: We could start now with your biography and where you were born. I see that you were born in Cleveland. General Kenneth Nichols: Well, I was born in a little suburb of Cleveland called West Park, Ohio [on November 13, 1907]. Groueff: West Park, Ohio. Nichols: Later became a part of Cleveland. Groueff: […]
Oral History
General Leslie Groves’s Interview – Part 8
November 4, 2014
[We would like to thank Robert S. Norris, author of the definitive biography of General Leslie R. Groves, Racing for the Bomb: General Leslie R. Groves, the Manhattan Project’s Indispensable Man, for taking the time to read over these transcripts for misspellings and other errors.] Stephane Groueff: Hello. We are recording 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, […]
Oral History
John Wheeler’s Interview (1965)
October 30, 2014
Stephane Groueff: So I think the best thing is just talk. So if you want to start from the beginning and tell me a little bit about yourself, Dr. Wheeler, and where you come from and a few words about your career, and how you happen to get involved with the atomic project. John Wheeler: […]
Oral History
General Leslie Groves’s Interview – Part 7
October 20, 2014
[We would like to thank Robert S. Norris, author of the definitive biography of General Leslie R. Groves, Racing for the Bomb: General Leslie R. Groves, the Manhattan Project’s Indispensable Man, for taking the time to read over these transcripts for misspellings and other errors.] General Leslie R. Groves: I had seen Dr. Urey in the S-1 […]
Oral History
Dorothy McKibbin’s Interview (1965)
October 14, 2014
Stephane Groueff: If you can tell me even before you came here briefly, your life before and how you happened to be here. McKibbin: Well, I was brought up in Kansas City, and went to Smith College and traveled a great deal with my father after my graduation, through Europe, through Alaska, through South America. […]
Oral History
Colonel James C. Marshall’s Interview
September 23, 2014
Stephane Groueff: General James Marshall, New York, November 4, 1965. Groueff: When and how and where did you first learn about the project and who assigned you and where and when? All the details of your assignment. James Marshall: My journal, kept for many years, shows that on June 17, 1942 – which was a […]
Oral History
Crawford Greenewalt’s Interview
September 18, 2014
Crawford Greenewalt: My first contact was to go out to Chicago with a very large group of people and I have forgotten how many there were, perhaps fifteen or twenty as I recall, it may have been less than that. That is surely in the record too, where we were all exposed to this Chicago […]
Oral History
General Leslie Groves’s Interview – Part 6
September 15, 2014
[We would like to thank Robert S. Norris, author of the definitive biography of General Leslie R. Groves, Racing for the Bomb: General Leslie R. Groves, the Manhattan Project’s Indispensable Man, for taking the time to read over these transcripts for misspellings and other errors.] General Leslie R. Groves: I think another thing that may interest […]
Oral History
Walter S. Carpenter’s Interview
September 12, 2014
Stephane Groueff: Recording. Now we are recording the interview with Mr. Walter Carpenter, DuPont, Wilmington, [Delaware]. Walter Carpenter: I usually have great difficulty remembering what I did yesterday. If you could lead me on, I’d be very glad to try to follow. Of course, Mr. Groves, I imagine that he kept pretty good notes and […]