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National Museum of Nuclear Science & History


Oral History
Dale Babcock’s and Samuel McNeight’s Interview (1965)
February 6, 2015
Stephane Groueff: Recording from Wilmington, Delaware. DuPont Company. Samuel McNeight: I’ll say the major part of the reason why I ask Dale to come over with me was that Dale’s acquaintanceship and part in the Manhattan Project considerably pre-dates mine. Also, he was a part of the reactor group, which I was not. I had […]
Oral History
Norman Hilberry’s Interview (1965) – Part 1
Stephane Groueff: Yes, now we’re recording, Dr. Hilberry. Norman Hilberry: I think Dale Babcock’s paper is a real addition to the overall literature on the subject, because that period which led up to the discovery of the Xenon had never really been gotten down on paper before. The things that happened in Wilmington, John A. […]
Oral History
Arthur Squires’s Interview – Part 2
January 30, 2015
Arthur Squires: Keith is a personality. Stephane Groueff: He is kind of a personality. Squires: Keith is a personality and I worked with this man seventeen years, shy two weeks. Groueff: So you know him very well.                    Squires: I know him very well. Groueff: Would you […]
Oral History
Arthur Squires’s Interview – Part 1
Arthur Squires: And I probably did not appreciate, during the war itself, the extent to which this was such a remarkable effort. Kellex – I am sure some of this you have already heard. Kellex was put together by M.W. Kellogg Company pretty much on a command basis. They just went to the top people […]
Oral History
K.T. Keller’s Interview – Part 2
December 15, 2014
Groueff: And so you have the tank. You have all these military things. And then you finally got the atomic bomb. Keller: Yes. Groueff: What date did [General Leslie] Groves come to you? Keller: That is all in the book. Groueff: That was in ’43. Keller: You will get that all out of the book. […]
Oral History
20th Anniversary of the Atomic Age
December 2, 2014
Interviewer: December 2, 1962 marks the twentieth anniversary of the first nuclear chain reaction achieved at the University of Chicago. That day a group of scientists, led by the late Dr. Enrico Fermi, operated man’s first atomic reactor. The occasion ushered in the atomic age. Present at that historic moment was Dr. Norman Hilberry former […]
Oral History
K.T. Keller’s Interview – Part 1
November 14, 2014
Keller: My father was a very poor boy. And, in fact, their family had been broken up when he was eleven years of age. And he was indentured to a Mennonite preacher farmer in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania who raised him. And when he was twenty, he went into business as a horse dealer in the […]
Oral History
John Wheeler’s Interview (1965)
October 30, 2014
Stephane Groueff: So I think the best thing is just talk. So if you want to start from the beginning and tell me a little bit about yourself, Dr. Wheeler, and where you come from and a few words about your career, and how you happen to get involved with the atomic project. John Wheeler: […]
Oral History
General Leslie Groves’s Interview – Part 7
October 20, 2014
[We would like to thank Robert S. Norris, author of the definitive biography of General Leslie R. Groves, Racing for the Bomb: General Leslie R. Groves, the Manhattan Project’s Indispensable Man, for taking the time to read over these transcripts for misspellings and other errors.] General Leslie R. Groves: I had seen Dr. Urey in the S-1 […]
Oral History
Dorothy McKibbin’s Interview (1965)
October 14, 2014
Stephane Groueff: If you can tell me even before you came here briefly, your life before and how you happened to be here. McKibbin: Well, I was brought up in Kansas City, and went to Smith College and traveled a great deal with my father after my graduation, through Europe, through Alaska, through South America. […]