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National Museum of Nuclear Science & History


Oral History
Mary Rockwell’s Interview
October 2, 2015
Mary Rockwell: My name is Mary Rockwell. Spell it? M-a-r-y R-o-c-k-w-e-l-l. Cindy Kelly: Very good. What was your maiden name? Rockwell: Compton. Kelly: And how is that spelled? Rockwell: C-o-m-p-t-o-n. Kelly: Okay. Is there a funny story attached with that? Rockwell: Yes. My sister, her husband having been head of the Y-12 Beta process, was […]
Oral History
Charles Oppenheimer and Dorothy Vanderford’s Interview
July 17, 2015
Kai Bird: This is Kai Bird off camera, interviewing Charles Oppenheimer and Dorothy Vanderford. Just for the record, I will ask you to state your names and your date of birth and where you were born. Dorothy Vanderford: My name is Dorothy Vanderford. I was born as Dorothy Oppenheimer August 18th, 1973. I was born […]
Oral History
Lew Kowarski’s Interview – Part 2
July 7, 2015
Stephane Groueff: One thing I don’t understand, and it’s a very ignorant question, but what was actually the difference between [Enrico] Fermi’s experiment in ’34 and [Otto] Hahn’s? Because, why do we say that Hahn was the first one, while Fermi also bombarded uranium? Lew Kowarski: I don’t it’s true to say that Hahn was […]
Oral History
Dorothy Wilkinson’s Interview
June 18, 2015
Dorothy Wilkinson: My name is Dorothy Wilkinson, D-o-r-o-t-h-y W-i-l-k-i-n-s-o-n. Cindy Kelly: Okay, if you could just tell a little bit about where you were born and how you happened to come Oak Ridge. Wilkinson: I was born in west Tennessee, which is what I count my home. I came right out of high school when I graduated because […]
Oral History
Sheila Rowan and Jo-Ellen Iacovino’s Interview
Interviewer 1: Why did your family come to Oak Ridge? When did that happen? Rowan: Well, we actually came to Oak Ridge in 1945. We left Nashville in early 1945. Because there was no housing available onsite in Oak Ridge, we had to stay in South Harriman, which is about twenty miles away. In the […]
Oral History Interviewee
Jo-Ellen Iacovino
After her brother was drafted, Jo-Ellen Iacovino and her family moved to Happy Valley, Tennessee to support the war effort. Although Iacovino and her sister, Sheila Rowan, were too young to participate in the construction of the K-25, gaseous diffusion plant, their older sister, Colleen Black, and their parents worked to support the Manhattan Project. When the […]
Oral History Interviewee
Sheila Rowan
After her brother was drafted, Sheila Rowan’s family moved to Happy Valley, Tennessee to support the war effort. Although Rowan and her sister, Jo-Ellen Iacovino, were too young to participate in the construction of the K-25 gaseous diffusion plant, their older sister, Colleen Black, and their parents worked to support the Manhattan Project. When the […]
Oral History
Helene Suydam’s Interview
June 16, 2015
Helene Suydam: I find this story of how Norris Bradbury came to Los Alamos rather interesting.  He was a graduate student at the University of California in the ‘30s and every student who was a graduate student of Professor [Leonard] Loeb had to join the Navy reserve.  So when the war started all these scientists […]
Oral History
Seth Wheatley’s Interview
March 6, 2015
Seth Wheatley: My name is Seth Wheatley, and it’s S-E-T-H W-H-E-A-T-L-E-Y. Kelly: Okay. Now, can we start with your telling us where you’re from and how you happened to get involved in the Manhattan Project? Wheatley: Well, I was at Purdue University. I got married in my junior year, and I tried to join the […]
Oral History
General Richard H. Groves’s Interview
February 18, 2015
Richard Groves: I’m Richard Hulbert Groves, G-R-O-V-E-S. Paul Williams: What memories do you have of family life, at least when you were at home? Groves: I came home from Princeton occasionally. But then I went to West Point and we didn’t get out of West Point for a year and a half. I came home […]