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National Museum of Nuclear Science & History

Corporate Involvement in the Manhattan Project

Oral History
John Wheeler’s Interview (1965)
October 30, 2014
Stephane Groueff: So I think the best thing is just talk. So if you want to start from the beginning and tell me a little bit about yourself, Dr. Wheeler, and where you come from and a few words about your career, and how you happen to get involved with the atomic project. John Wheeler: […]
Oral History
David Kaiser’s Interview
October 10, 2014
Cindy Kelly: I’m Cindy Kelly, Atomic Heritage Foundation, and it’s Monday, September 8, 2014. I’m at the campus of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MIT, with David Kaiser. The first thing I’d like him to do is tell us his name and spell it. David Kaiser: My name is David Kaiser. The last name is […]
Oral History
Irénée du Pont, Jr.’s Interview (2014)
September 23, 2014
Irénée du Pont: My name is Irénée du Pont, Junior. I-R-E-N-E-E D-U P-O-N-T, J-R. I was born January 8, 1920, and I have not died yet.  Cindy Kelly: Well, that is something that we are all very grateful for. It is wonderful to be here today. I am Cindy Kelly, it is August 11, 2014, […]
Oral History
Colonel James C. Marshall’s Interview
Stephane Groueff: General James Marshall, New York, November 4, 1965. Groueff: When and how and where did you first learn about the project and who assigned you and where and when? All the details of your assignment. James Marshall: My journal, kept for many years, shows that on June 17, 1942 – which was a […]
Oral History
Crawford Greenewalt’s Interview
September 18, 2014
Crawford Greenewalt: My first contact was to go out to Chicago with a very large group of people and I have forgotten how many there were, perhaps fifteen or twenty as I recall, it may have been less than that. That is surely in the record too, where we were all exposed to this Chicago […]
Oral History
Walter S. Carpenter’s Interview
September 12, 2014
Stephane Groueff: Recording. Now we are recording the interview with Mr. Walter Carpenter, DuPont, Wilmington, [Delaware]. Walter Carpenter: I usually have great difficulty remembering what I did yesterday. If you could lead me on, I’d be very glad to try to follow. Of course, Mr. Groves, I imagine that he kept pretty good notes and […]
Oral History
John Arnold’s Interview
September 9, 2014
Stephane Groueff: Now if you can give me briefly your background and where you came from and how you got connected with Kellex. Were you a Kellogg man? John Arnold: Yes, I was a Kellogg man, and at the time I was working on an ammonia plant at Sterlington. Groueff: Where is that? Arnold: In […]
Oral History
Harold Urey’s Interview
September 3, 2014
Stephane Groueff: It is recording, Dr. Urey. Dr. Harold Urey: Yes. Groueff: So where shall we start? Urey: Suppose I tell you about my background before the war? Well, my interest in isotope separation started with the discovery of heavy hydrogen, which I made at Columbia with the aid of Ferdinand Brickwedde in Washington and […]
Oral History
Glenn Seaborg’s Interview
August 15, 2014
[We would like to thank Robert S. Norris, author of the definitive biography of General Leslie R. Groves, Racing for the Bomb: General Leslie R. Groves, the Manhattan Project’s Indispensable Man, for taking the time to read over these transcripts for mispellings and other errors.] Dr. Glenn Seaborg: Well, I arrived in Chicago on a rather […]
Oral History
Wallace Reynolds’s, Duane Sewell’s, and Elmer Kelly’s Interview
July 28, 2014
Groueff: It is February 8, [1965] at Berkeley, California. We have Dr. Reynolds. Wallace B. Reynolds: It is Mr. Reynolds. Groueff: It is Mr. Reynolds. Duane C. Sewell: Mr. Sewell. Groueff: Sewell. Elmer Kelly: Elmer Kelly. Groueff: There is Mr. Kelly. You understood my problems? I want to even dramatize the difficulties. If you have […]