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National Museum of Nuclear Science & History

Military-Civilian Relations

Oral History
Leroy Jackson and Ernest Wende’s Interview
August 25, 2015
Stephane Groueff: Start from the beginning and if you can give me in a few words the history of how it started, who actually came into contract, and how?  Leroy Jackson: With respect to the construction of the City of Oak Ridge, Stone & Webster was retained. I believe it is what we classify as […]
Oral History
Leon Love and George Banic’s Interview
[Audio distortion occurs throughout the interview.] Stephane Groueff: Recording interview with Mr. Leon Love at Oak Ridge July 15, 1963. Mr. Love works with Y-12. Would you mind repeating sort of some of the characteristics of Y-12, some of the figures? For instance, how many buildings? How many magnets? How many Alpha [calutrons] and Beta […]
Oral History
General Kenneth Nichols’s Interview – Part 2
August 17, 2015
Groueff: General Nichols, Part 2. Nichols: But Dobie [Percival Keith] came back immediately, or shortly thereafter, with the suggestion we build more gaseous diffusion base plants, and that was why we built the K-27 plant. Groueff: A base? Nichols: Yeah, a base. See, more base, to where he then optimized. How do you optimize the K-25 system with the […]
Oral History
Robert J.S. Brown’s Interview
August 7, 2015
Robert JS Brown: I’m Robert JS Brown. Robert S. Norris: You are recording this oral history for the Atomic Heritage Foundation on June third, two thousand fifteen in Washington, DC. Brown: Yes, right. Robert S. Norris: How did you become involved in the Manhattan Project? Can you tell us about that? Robert JS Brown: Like most […]
Oral History
Bob Carter’s Interview (2015)
August 6, 2015
Kai Bird: Let us begin at the beginning and I think the viewers of this will want to know first about your own background. What year were you born? Bob Carter: I was born in 1920 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Bird: On what day? Carter: February 3, 1920. Bird: 1920. Carter: Yes. Bird: Okay, 1920, what was sort of before modern physics, quantum […]
Oral History
Jacob Beser’s Lecture
July 27, 2015
Jacob Beser:  The story which we could tell. And one point that Dr. Wittman, though, which I wish you would please keep in mind—and this is true not only in this situation, but any historical event  should be evaluated in the context in which it took place, the context and the times in which it […]
Oral History
Bob Caron’s Tape to Joe Papalia
July 20, 2015
Bob Caron: Oh, now for comments on Bob Lewis. I do not know what the hell to say about that, Joe. Bob calls me fairly frequently on his WATS [Wide Area Telephone Service] line, and I kind of feel like I am in the middle of something. He is very bitter, and very bitter towards [Paul] […]
Oral History
Norman Hilberry’s Interview (1965) – Part 3
July 13, 2015
Stephane Groueff: You remember this visit now? Norman Hilberry: Oh, boy. Groueff: Could you tell me about that part? Hilberry: This was one of the reasons why the pile got built under the West Stands. The Manhattan District had been building a building out in the Argonne Forrest out in the Park District to build […]
Oral History
Ray Gallagher’s Accounts of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki Missions
July 9, 2015
Raymond Gallagher: My name is Ray Gallagher. I am from Chicago, Illinois. The purpose in making this tape is because of an event that took a part of my life, and also of the lives of a group of men of which I was associated in 1945, during World War II. I was assigned to a […]
Oral History
Alfred Nier’s Interview – Part 2
July 7, 2015
Alfred Nier: By the summer of 1943, the question came up, what I should do next? And I had a chance to – [J. Robert] Oppenheimer had gotten a hold of me and suggested I might come out to Los Alamos. Stephane Groueff: And you knew him? Nier: I knew him, yes. I had met […]