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National Museum of Nuclear Science & History

Military-Civilian Relations

Oral History
John Manley’s Interview (1965) – Part 2
August 7, 2014
[We would like to thank Robert S. Norris, author of the definitive biography of General Leslie R. Groves, Racing for the Bomb: General Leslie R. Groves, the Manhattan Project’s Indispensable Man, for taking the time to read over these transcripts for mispellings and other errors.] Groueff: So, Dr. Manley, we talked about [J. Robert] Oppenheimer. So, […]
Oral History
Harold Agnew’s Interview (1994)
August 5, 2014
Rhodes: I am working on a book that would try to cover the years ’45 to ’55. I just finished the first 400 pages; it is all the Soviet bomb story, because so much has come available, including the espionage part of it. But, now I would like to get going and just simply try […]
Oral History
General Leslie Groves’s Interview – Part 4
July 30, 2014
[We would like to thank Robert S. Norris, author of the definitive biography of General Leslie R. Groves, Racing for the Bomb: General Leslie R. Groves, the Manhattan Project’s Indispensable Man, for taking the time to read over these transcripts for misspellings and other errors.] Stephane Groueff: Now, I wanted to ask you one thing that […]
Oral History
Lauchlin M. Currie’s Interview
July 28, 2014
Stephane Groueff: Recording of interview with Dr. Lauchlin Currie, C-U-R-R-I-E; New York, May 13, 1965. Dr. Lauchlin Currie: When the war broke out I was superintendent of the Bakelite Plant at Bound Brook, New Jersey. As a reserve officer then, I got reassigned to work on the proximity fuse program. Groueff: You were in uniform? […]
Oral History
Percival Keith’s Interview
Stephane Groueff: Interview with Mr. P. C. Keith, K-E-I-T-H, former head of Kellex Company during the war. Percival Keith: So I decided I would accept the job of trying to build this plant at Oak Ridge. Groves came up from Washington, and he and I went out to dinner. It was a French restaurant, Miriliton. […]
Oral History
Robert S. Norris’ Interview (2013)
July 22, 2014
Cindy Kelly: I am Cindy Kelly and we have our guest, Robert S. Norris. Stan Norris: Right.  Kelly: Do you want to say your name and spell it? Norris: I am Robert S. Norris, R-o-b-e-r-t, middle initial S, last name Norris, N-o-r-r-i-s. It is February 13, 2013. We are here in the offices of the […]
Oral History
J. Robert Oppenheimer’s Interview
July 11, 2014
Stephane Groueff: I want to start from the beginning. My book, I intend to start with the year 1942 because otherwise, there is no limit. A few months before the Manhattan District and decision to go— J. Robert Oppenheimer: The decision was actually made on December 6, to take the thing seriously. Groueff: ’41? Oppenheimer: […]
Oral History
Samuel K. Allison’s Interview
July 10, 2014
Stephane Groueff: Where did you come from? Probably we’ll start chronologically and then— Dr. Samuel K. Allison: I was born here in Chicago, just half a kilometer from where we’re sitting at this moment. I went to school at the public schools in the city of Chicago and entered the University of Chicago in 1917. […]
Oral History
Lester Tenney’s Interview
Cindy Kelly: Today is December 3, 2013. I’m Cindy Kelly, President of the Atomic Heritage Foundation. With me, I have Lester Tenney. I’m going to start by asking Lester to say your name and spell it please. Lester Tenney: Lester Tenney, L-E-S-T-E-R, Tenney, T-E-N-N-E-Y. Maybe you could start by telling us where you were born […]
Oral History
George Allen’s interview
George Allen: Alright. This is in Alexandria, Louisiana at the city park. My name is George Allen. G-E-O-R-G-E, A-L-L-E-N. Interviewer: Alright and where was your place and date of birth? Allen: I was born right in Alexandria on September the 10th, 1925. Interviewer: Okay. How did you first become involved with the Army Air Force? Allen: […]