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National Museum of Nuclear Science & History

Military-Civilian Relations

Washington, DC
October 7, 2013
In a tiny, two-room office located on the fifth floor of the New War Building, General Leslie R. Groves and a handful of staff members oversaw the activities and functions of tens of thousands working on the top-secret Manhattan Project. Groves had selected Washington D.C. as headquarters shortly after being named director of the Project […]
Oral History
Marilyn Hanna’s Interview
October 1, 2013
Emily Efland: I’m Emily Efland and I am with the Atomic Heritage Foundation. Today is August 14, 2013, and we’re interviewing Marilyn Hanna.  So first, could you give me your name and spell it. Marilyn Hanna: My name is Marilyn Hanna. M-A-R-I-L-Y-N. H-A-N-N-A. Efland: And could you tell me about when you were born? Where you […]
Oral History
Robert Furman’s Interview
September 26, 2013
Robert Furman: Robert Furman. F-U-R-M-A-N. I was an assistant to General Groves in the Manhattan District, in his Twenty-First Street offices here in Northwest. And I joined him in late autumn of ‘43 and left him right after the war—right after the end of the war. Cindy Kelly: Can we—just to—no one’s going to hear […]
Oral History
J. P. Moore’s Interview
September 17, 2013
Ron Elmlinger: Well my name is Ron Elmlinger. E-L-M-L-I-N-G-E-R. And we are in Grand Junction, Colorado. Today is June 28, 2013 and I am here with J. P. Moore. Mr. Moore, would you please say and spell your full name? J. P. Moore: James Phillip Moore, Junior. Elmlinger: And that is M-O-O-R-E, I am sure. […]
Oral History
Lawrence Bartell’s Interview
September 10, 2013
Cindy Kelly: I am Cindy Kelly, and this is May 9, 2013 in Ann Arbor, Michigan. We’re interviewing Lawrence Bartell. Dr. Bartell, can you please say your name and spell it? Lawrence Bartell: My name is Lawrence Sims Bartell, I am the son of Lawrence Sims Bartell, but I’m not “junior” or “the second” or […]
Oral History
Vincent and Clare Whitehead’s Interview – Part 1
July 9, 2013
[At top is the edited version of the interview published by S. L. Sanger in Working on the Bomb: An Oral History of WWII Hanford, Portland State University, 1995. For the full transcript that matches the audio of the interview, please scroll down.] Book version: BUD: I was a counter-intelligence agent at Hanford. Everybody was suspi­cious […]
Oral History
Sam Campbell’s Interview
[At top is the edited version of the interview published by S. L. Sanger in Working on the Bomb: An Oral History of WWII Hanford, Portland State University, 1995. For the full transcript that matches the audio of the interview, please scroll down.] Book Version: I was working for Du Pont in Pryor, Oklahoma, a powder […]
Oral History
Roger Fulling’s Interview (1986) – Part 1
[At top is the edited version of the interview published by S. L. Sanger in Working on the Bomb: An Oral History of WWII Hanford, Portland State University, 1995. For the full transcript of part 1 of the interview that matches the audio of the interview, please scroll down.] Book Version: During the early days, before […]
Oral History
Miles Leverett’s Interview
July 8, 2013
[At top is the edited version of the interview published by S. L. Sanger in Working on the Bomb: An Oral History of WWII Hanford, Portland State University, 1995. For the full transcript that matches the audio of the interview, please scroll down.] Book version: When my boss T.V. Moore asked me if I wanted to […]
Oral History
Leon Overstreet’s Interview
July 3, 2013
[At top is the edited version of the interview published by S. L. Sanger in Working on the Bomb: An Oral History of WWII Hanford, Portland State University, 1995. For the full transcript that matches the audio of the interview, please scroll down.] Book Version: I was the ninth fitter hired on the Du Pont construction […]