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National Museum of Nuclear Science & History

Military-Civilian Relations

Oral History
Berlyn Brixner’s Interview
March 22, 2013
Yvonne Delamater: We are interviewing Berlyn Brixner and thanks so much for coming. Briefly tell me when and where you were born and something about your education and training. Berlyn Brixner: I was born in El Paso, Texas in May 21, 1911. I went to school, most of my school, there. After high school I went to […]
Oral History
Harold Agnew’s Interview (1992)
March 20, 2013
Theresa Strottman: We are talking with Harold Agnew who has worked here [at Los Alamos] during the Manhattan Project and later was Lab Director. And we thank you very much for coming today. Our first question is if you could briefly tell us when and where you were born and something about your education and […]
Oral History
Lilli Hornig’s Interview
March 7, 2013
Lilli Hornig: I’m Lilli Hornig and that’s spelled L-I-L-L-I; H-O-R-N-I-G. Cindy Kelly: Terrific. Now we have to start at the next question, is—can you give us your birth day? Hornig: I can; it’s March 22, 1921. I was born in what is now the Czech Republic; a little town about—probably about fifty miles north and […]
Oral History
Max Gittler’s Interview
February 28, 2013
Alexandra Levy: All right, we are here on December 28, 2012 with Max Gittler. Please say your name and spell it. Max Gittler: Max Gittler, M-a-x G-i-t-t-l-e-r. Levy: Where are you from? Gittler: New York, New York City, the Bronx. Levy: So how did you become involved in the Manhattan Project? Gittler: I was going to […]
Oral History
Anna Mae Gillespie’s Interview
February 25, 2013
Anna Mae Gillespie: I was born in Oklahoma City, not Oklahoma City but Caldwell County, Oklahoma.  We left Oklahoma when I was about seven years old.  I had thirteen brothers and sisters. Theresa Strottman: That’s a very large family. Gillespie: Uh ha, and we were poor as Job’s turkey but everybody else was so we didn’t think we was […]
Oral History
Harris Harold Levee’s Interview
February 22, 2013
Harris Harold Levee: My name is Harris Harold Levee, L-e-v-e-e. My birthdate is August 9, 1919. I grew up in Sheepshead Bay doing the—playing a lot of sports, and did go to high school at Brooklyn Technical High School, where I studied to be an engineer. And from Brooklyn Tech, I went to a school called […]
Oral History
Bob Porton’s Interview
February 20, 2013
Theresa Strottman: As we start, could you briefly tell me when and where you were born and something about your early education and training? Bob Porton: I’ll tell you where I was born; when I was born is classified.  I was born in Washington D.C. and one of the few people that admit that they were born […]
Oral History
Benjamin Bederson’s Interview
February 4, 2013
Benjamin Bederson: I’m Benjamin Bederson. Cindy Kelly: Can you spell it? Bederson: B-E-D-E-R-S-O-N. Sometimes it’s called “Bederson.” I say Bederson.  Kelly: And what was your birth date? Bederson: I was born November 15, 1921. I’m about to have my 90th birthday next month. Kelly: You are phenomenal. This man looks like he’s sixty-five. Bederson: I like to say I’m on a plateau. But you know what a […]
Oral History
Arno Roensch’s Interview
November 14, 2012
Theresa Strottman: We are speaking with Arno Roensch.  We thank you for coming this morning.  To start off the interview, I was wondering if you could briefly tell me when and where you were born and something about your early education and training. Arno Roensch: I was born in Berlin, Germany—1918. We came to this […]
Oral History
Felix DePaula’s Interview
November 13, 2012
Yvonne Delamater: We are interviewing Felix De Paula for the Manhattan Project video. Thanks for coming here to give us an interview.  Briefly tell me when and where you were born and something about your education and training. Felix DePaula: Actually I was born in Brooklyn, New York June 3, 1926. I graduated from vocational high school in […]