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National Museum of Nuclear Science & History

Military-Civilian Relations

Oral History
Stanley Hall’s Interview
May 18, 2017
Cindy Kelly: I’m Cindy Kelly, Atomic Heritage Foundation, and we are in Los Alamos, New Mexico. It’s February 2, 2017. I have with me W. Stanley Hall.  Hall: I was born in 1924 on Broadway in Manhattan. I was there until the third grade. In the fourth grade, I went to the Bronx and was […]
Oral History
Lydia Martinez’s Interview (2009)
April 13, 2017
[Thanks to David Schiferl and Willie Atencio for recording this interview and providing a copy to the Atomic Heritage Foundation.] Willie Atencio: Lydia, where are you from? Where were you born? Lydia Martinez: I was born in El Rancho, close to San Ildefonso Pueblo. Atencio: When was the first time you went to Los Alamos? […]
Oral History
Isabel Torres’s Interview
April 11, 2017
[Thanks to David Schiferl and Willie Atencio for recording this interview and providing a copy to the Atomic Heritage Foundation.] Willie Atencio: Can you tell us about your parents and where they lived?  Isabel Torres: You want the names of them too? Atencio: Yes, please.  Torres: My father’s name was Manuel Antonio Vigil, and my […]
Oral History
Milton Levenson’s Interview
April 3, 2017
Cindy Kelly:  Okay. I’m Cindy Kelly, I’m in Alexandria, Virginia. It is January 9th, 2017. I have with me Milton Levenson. My first question to him is to please say his name and then spell it. Levenson: My name is Milton Levenson. No middle name. M-i-l-t-o-n, and Levenson is L-e-v-e-n-s-o-n. Kelly:  Terrific. At any rate, let’s […]
Oral History
Russell E. Gackenbach’s Interview
March 22, 2017
Alexandra Levy: We are here on December 27th, 2016, in Florida, with Russell Gackenbach. My first question for you is to please say your name and spell it. Russell Gackenbach: My name is Russell E. Gackenbach. G-A-C-K-E-N-B-A-C-H. Levy: Please tell us your place and date of birth. Gackenbach: I was born in Allentown, Pennsylvania, March 1923, on March 23. […]
Oral History Interviewee
Russell E. Gackenbach
Russell E. Gackenbach was a navigator in the 393rd Bombardment Squadron and 509th composite group. He flew on both the Hiroshima and Nagasaki missions. His crew flew aboard the Necessary Evil, which was the camera plane for the Hiroshima mission. Gackenbach photographed the mushroom cloud over Hiroshima. His crew flew again during the Nagasaki mission […]
Oral History Interviewee
Russell E. Gackenbach
Russell E. Gackenbach was a navigator in the 393rd Bombardment Squadron. He flew on both the Hiroshima and Nagasaki missions. His crew flew aboard the Necessary Evil, which was the camera plane for the Hiroshima mission. Gackenbach photographed the mushroom cloud over Hiroshima. His crew flew again during the Nagasaki mission as the weather reconnaissance […]
Oral History
John Manley’s Interview (1985) – Part 2
February 9, 2017
Martin Sherwin: In terms of the people who were invited in, I know [George] Kennan. John Manley: That was for the Halloween meeting. Sherwin: Yes. Do you remember anything about what Kennan said? What the impression he left was? Manley: Let me try to be specific. I think I could give you some idea of […]
Oral History
John Manley’s Interview (1985) – Part 1
Martin Sherwin: Good afternoon, this is an interview with John Manley at the Red Onion restaurant, January 9th, 1985, Los Alamos, New Mexico. John Manley: —whether you want to start that yet or not? I’m not at all sure in what way I can help you. Sherwin: Well, I would like to write a book. […]
Oral History
Louis Hempelmann’s Interview – Part 3
January 31, 2017
Martin Sherwin: What was the set-up at Los Alamos, in terms of your relationship to the director [J. Robert Oppenheimer] and how you operated? Louis Hempelmann:  I was working directly under him. I started out with my wife as a half-time secretary, and the technician I brought with me from St. Louis, and Kitty worked […]