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National Museum of Nuclear Science & History

University Involvement in the Manhattan Project

Oral History
Ted Taylor’s Interview – Part 1
October 15, 2015
Ted Taylor: I think Carson Mark is the most valuable resource to talk to about what happened in those days at Los Alamos. At Livermore, [Edward] Teller, certainly. Richard Rhodes: Teller won’t talk to me, I’m afraid. He’s decided I’m the enemy. Taylor: Herb York I think is anxious for the story to be told correctly. […]
Oral History
David Fox’s Interview
October 13, 2015
Reed Srere: Hi, I am Reed Srere – R-e-e-d S-r-e-r-e. I am recording this oral history for the Atomic Heritage Foundation on June 3 [2015] in Washington, DC. Please state your name. David Fox: I am David Fox. I live in Providence, Rhode Island. My father was a physicist on the Manhattan Project in Manhattan. […]
Oral History
To Fermi ~ with Love – Part 3
October 12, 2015
[Thanks to Ronald K. Smeltzer for donating the record “To Fermi with Love” to the Atomic Heritage Foundation.] Narrator: Finally, the decision was made: build the pile in the west stands. The facilities under Stagg Field included the usual locker room, showers, and four handball or racquets courts. The heavy graphite material began to roll in […]
Oral History
Henry Frisch and Andrew Hanson’s Interview
Robert S. Norris: The first thing we should do is to identify yourself. Andrew Hanson: My name is Andrew J. Hanson, and I’m the son of Alfred O. Hanson, who was at Los Alamos just having finished his PhD, and coming down from Ray Herb’s nuclear physics research group at Wisconsin. He was working for […]
Oral History
To Fermi ~ with Love – Part 2
September 28, 2015
[Thanks to Ronald K. Smeltzer for donating the record “To Fermi with Love” to the Atomic Heritage Foundation.] Narrator: It was a major emotional decision for Mrs. Fermi, causing her great pain. She had been born in Rome, always lived there. Her relatives and friends were there. She felt she belonged to Rome, but in May […]
Oral History
Alexander Langsdorf’s Interview
August 21, 2015
Stephane Groueff: Now it is recording Dr. Langsdorf. If you can tell me in a few words how you got connected with the project and where you came from. Alexander Langsdorf: Oh, in the first place, as soon as I got my PhD at MIT, I went out to Berkeley as a national research fellow […]
Oral History
Peter Galison’s Interview
August 20, 2015
Cindy Kelly: I’m Cindy Kelly. This is Wednesday, June 24th, 2015, and I’m in Cambridge Massachusetts with Peter Gailson. My first question for you is to tell me your name and spell it. Peter Galison: My name is Peter Gailson, G-A-L-I-S-O-N. I’m a professor here at Harvard, Physics, a history of science. Twentieth century physics […]
Oral History
General Kenneth Nichols’s Interview – Part 2
August 17, 2015
Groueff: General Nichols, Part 2. Nichols: But Dobie [Percival Keith] came back immediately, or shortly thereafter, with the suggestion we build more gaseous diffusion base plants, and that was why we built the K-27 plant. Groueff: A base? Nichols: Yeah, a base. See, more base, to where he then optimized. How do you optimize the K-25 system with the […]
Oral History
Bob Carter’s Interview (2015)
August 6, 2015
Kai Bird: Let us begin at the beginning and I think the viewers of this will want to know first about your own background. What year were you born? Bob Carter: I was born in 1920 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Bird: On what day? Carter: February 3, 1920. Bird: 1920. Carter: Yes. Bird: Okay, 1920, what was sort of before modern physics, quantum […]
Oral History
Lew Kowarski’s Interview – Part 2
July 7, 2015
Stephane Groueff: One thing I don’t understand, and it’s a very ignorant question, but what was actually the difference between [Enrico] Fermi’s experiment in ’34 and [Otto] Hahn’s? Because, why do we say that Hahn was the first one, while Fermi also bombarded uranium? Lew Kowarski: I don’t it’s true to say that Hahn was […]