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National Museum of Nuclear Science & History

University Involvement in the Manhattan Project

Oral History
Alfred Nier’s Interview – Part 2
July 7, 2015
Alfred Nier: By the summer of 1943, the question came up, what I should do next? And I had a chance to – [J. Robert] Oppenheimer had gotten a hold of me and suggested I might come out to Los Alamos. Stephane Groueff: And you knew him? Nier: I knew him, yes. I had met […]
Oral History
Robert Serber’s Interview (1994)
June 17, 2015
Robert Serber: Ernest [Lawrence] got overexcited about the Russian bomb. I imagine that [Edward] Teller called him and got him worked up. I warned him about Edward’s Super, that it wasn’t a practical idea at the moment. I told him if he wanted to really find out he should talk to [Hans] Bethe, but he […]
Oral History
Ralph Gates’s Interview
June 15, 2015
Wendy Steinle: Good morning, Ralph. I’m Wendy Steinle, as you know, and I am really pleased to be your friend and to have the opportunity to interview you this morning. Just for the record, will you start by stating and spelling your name, and then tell us the date? Ralph Gates:  Well, thanks, Wendy. My […]
Oral History Interviewee
Ralph Gates
Ralph Gates is a chemical and electrical engineer who worked on the Manhattan Project as a part of the Special Engineer Detachment. His primary job was casting shape charges for the plutonium bombs.
Oral History
Murray Peshkin’s Interview
June 12, 2015
Murray Peshkin:  Well, how did I get involved in the Manhattan Project? I was an undergraduate student at Cornell University. A group of about ten, who were studying physics. It was clear that we could not be kept out of the Army very long. They were looking for programs in which we could serve usefully. […]
Oral History Interviewee
Murray Peshkin
Murray Peshkin is a Manhattan Project veteran and a physicist. He was recruited by the Army to assist the Manhattan Project at Los Alamos when he was an undergraduate student studying physics at Cornell.
Oral History
Hans Courant’s Interview
May 26, 2015
Cindy Kelly: I’m Cindy Kelly, Atomic Heritage Foundation and this is Friday, April 10, 2015. We’re at the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis. I have Hans Courant with me, and the first question for him is please tell us your name and spell it. Hans Courant: My name is Hans Courant, and it’s spelled C-o-u-r-a-n-t. […]
Oral History
Edward Gerjuoy’s Interview
May 22, 2015
Ed Gerjuoy: My name is Edward Gerjuoy, G-E-R-J-U-O-Y. I’m presently a retired Professor of Physics Emeritus at the University of Pittsburgh. I think I should begin by telling you how I came to go to Berkeley and to Oppenheimer. I graduated from City College in 1937 and actually looked for a job, didn’t want to […]
Oral History
Gordon Steele’s Interview
May 12, 2015
Mary Kalbert: My name is Mary Kalbert and I am in Friday Harbor, Washington, interviewing Gordon Steele on June 16, 2014 for the Atomic Heritage Foundation Manhattan Voices Project. Gordon? Gordon Steele: My name is Gordon, and you want me to spell my name? Kalbert: Please spell your name for me. Steele: Gordon. G-O-R-D-O-N. Steele. […]
Oral History
Alfred Nier’s Interview – Part 1
May 6, 2015
Stephane Groueff: Now, we could start with a letter of [Enrico] Fermi and a letter of [John] Dunning, because the way Dunning explained the thing that he had the idea that uranium-235 was— Alfred Nier: The one that was responsible, yes. Groueff: And that Fermi on the contrary, that’s the opposite. And [Niels] Bohr was […]