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National Museum of Nuclear Science & History

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Oral History
John Tepe’s Interview
April 19, 2013
[Interviewed by Cindy Kelly and Tom Zannes.] Tell us your name. John Tepe: I’m John Tepe, T-E-P-E. Tell us about where you grew up and went to school. Tepe: Well, I grew up in Louisville, Kentucky, which was my family hometown. My family had been there since 1794, and I was the first to leave. […]
Oral History
Russell Stanton’s Interview
April 5, 2013
[Interviewed by Cindy Kelly and Tom Zannes.] Tell us your name. Russell Stanton: I’m Russell C. Stanton. R-U-S-S-E-L-L, C. for Crom, S-T-A-N-T-O-N.  Tell us about yourself. Stanton: Well, I was born in Elephant Butte, New Mexico. My father was an engineer with the Bureau of Reclamation and they built a dam there. I was born […]
Oral History
Roger Hultgren’s Interview
April 3, 2013
[Interviewed by Cindy Kelly and Tom Zannes.] Tell us your name. Hultgren: Roger A. Hultgren, R-O-G-E-R, A was Aaron, double A-R-O-N, and Hultgren, H-U-L-T-G-R-E-N. How did you get to be part of the Manhattan Project?  Hultgren: Well, there’s many avenues. I was born in 1920 and my mother went to the University of Minnesota. She […]
Oral History
Max Gittler’s Interview
February 28, 2013
Alexandra Levy: All right, we are here on December 28, 2012 with Max Gittler. Please say your name and spell it. Max Gittler: Max Gittler, M-a-x G-i-t-t-l-e-r. Levy: Where are you from? Gittler: New York, New York City, the Bronx. Levy: So how did you become involved in the Manhattan Project? Gittler: I was going to […]
Oral History
Evelyne Litz’s Interview
Alexandra Levy: We’re here on December 28, 2012 with Evelyne Litz. Please say your name and spell it. Evelyne Litz: Evelyne Litz, E-V-E-L-Y-N-E, L-I-T-Z. Levy: So where are you from originally? Litz: Chicago. Levy: And how did you become involved in the Manhattan Project? Litz: Well after we were married we had a job in […]
Oral History
Lawrence Litz’s Interview (2012)
February 26, 2013
Alexandra Levy: All right, we’re here on December 28, 2012 with Lawrence Litz. First please say your name and spell it. Lawrence Litz: L-A-W – it’s Lawrence Litz, L-A-W-R-E-N-C-E, L-I-T-Z. Levy: So what was it like working in the war on the Manhattan Project? Litz: It was very exciting and I felt that I was […]
Oral History
Bob Porton’s Interview
February 20, 2013
Theresa Strottman: As we start, could you briefly tell me when and where you were born and something about your early education and training? Bob Porton: I’ll tell you where I was born; when I was born is classified.  I was born in Washington D.C. and one of the few people that admit that they were born […]
Oral History
Lawrence Denton’s Interview
November 21, 2012
[Interviewed by Cynthia Kelly and Tom Zannes.] Tell us your name. Lawrence Denton: I’m Lawrence Denton, later named Larry when I came to Hanford. L-A-R-R-Y, D-E-N-T-O-N. How did you get to work on the Manhattan Project? Denton: I got to Hanford via my father. I was living in northern Idaho and working in a lumber […]
Oral History
Felix DePaula’s Interview
November 13, 2012
Yvonne Delamater: We are interviewing Felix De Paula for the Manhattan Project video. Thanks for coming here to give us an interview.  Briefly tell me when and where you were born and something about your education and training. Felix DePaula: Actually I was born in Brooklyn, New York June 3, 1926. I graduated from vocational high school in […]
Oral History
Jay Wechsler’s Interview
November 9, 2012
Jay Wechsler: Well, my mother was visiting her folks in New York when she decided that it was time, and I was the first child, and I guess she was a little surprised. So I was born in New York even though we didn’t live there. And as soon as we were able we were […]