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National Museum of Nuclear Science & History

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Oral History
Roger Fulling’s Interview (1986) – Part 2
December 16, 2016
[To see an edited version of the interview published by S. L. Sanger in Working on the Bomb: An Oral History of WWII Hanford, Portland State University, 1995, click here.] Roger Fulling: The DuPont Company, like many other chemical companies, was highly dependent upon the materials of construction, proper materials of construction for their facilities – equipment, piping, […]
Oral History
Vincent and Clare Whitehead’s Interview – Part 2
[To see an edited version of the interview published by S. L. Sanger in Working on the Bomb: An Oral History of WWII Hanford, Portland State University, 1995, click here.] Clare Whitehead: I got raised to Tech Sergeant, so he immediately got raised to Tech Sergeant. He said, “Well, we figured it was too bad we […]
Oral History
Hal Behl’s Interview
December 14, 2016
Cindy Kelly: Okay. I am Cindy Kelly. I’m here in Albuquerque. It is Wednesday, October 12. Hal Behl: Okay. I’m Harold Behl. B as in boy, e-h-l. Known as Hal. Kelly: Okay. I just want to have you tell us when and where you were born and a little about your childhood. Behl: Well, I […]
Oral History
Edwin McMillan’s Lecture
Edwin McMillan: Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to start with two remarks. First, this is going to be a personal story, so if I use the first person singular, this is not pure egotism, it is simply the fact that that’s the part that I know best. Second remark is, the difficulty of establishing […]
Oral History
Geoffrey Chew’s Interview
December 5, 2016
Cindy Kelly: Okay, I am Cindy Kelly. This is Tuesday, August 9, 2016 in Berkeley, California. I have with me Dr. Geoffrey Chew. My first question to him is to say and spell his name. Geoffrey Chew: Geoffrey Chew, G-E-O-F-F-R-E-Y C-H-E-W. Kelly: Very good, so now we will move on to some harder stuff. If […]
Oral History
Marvin Wilkening’s Interview (1995)
October 19, 2016
[Many thanks to Thomas Scanlan for recording and donating this interview to the Atomic Heritage Foundation.] Thomas Scanlan: —Is part of an interview, which I held with Professor Marvin Wilkening at his home on Socorro, New Mexico on July 15, 1995.  Now, I was reading that you had worked at four different places associated with the […]
Oral History
Norris Bradbury’s Interview – Part 2
August 25, 2016
Martin Sherwin: Okay, this is the middle of an interview with Norris Bradbury. Norris Bradbury: The fact that I wasn’t particularly involved in these discussions, of the type which the Federation of Atomic Scientists started—they started here, of course. I suppose I was committed to running a laboratory and trying to get people to stay […]
Oral History
Louis Hempelmann’s Interview – Part 2
August 24, 2016
Louis Hempelmann: He [J. Robert Oppenheimer] just told me what the situation was. He did not ask me, which is the same thing when he got sick because I was in the radiology department here and I knew something about it. He would call me up, tell me what he had done, and then say […]
Oral History
Jack Widowsky’s Interview
August 4, 2016
Alexandra Levy: We are here on June 13th in New Jersey with Jack Widowsky. This is Alex Levy with the Atomic Heritage Foundation. My first question for you, Jack, is to please say your name and to spell it. Jack Widowsky: My name is Jack Widowsky. J-A-C-K, which is easy, but the last name is […]
Oral History
Stanislaus Ulam’s Interview (1979)
August 3, 2016
Stanislaus Ulam: You know, after forty-five years in this country, my accent is still very hard. Martin Sherwin: That’s all right. I still have a Brooklyn accent. Ulam:  Oh, you do? Sherwin: I left Brooklyn twenty years ago. I think even though I do know a lot of the answers to some of the questions […]