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National Museum of Nuclear Science & History

Howard Lange

Curator, Chemistry DivisionChicago, IL

Manhattan Project VeteranProject Worker/Staff

Howard Lange was the Curator in the Chemistry Division at the University of Chicago’s Metallurgical Laboratory (“Met Lab”) during the Manhattan Project.

According to the Journal of Glenn T. Seaborg, Vol. 2, Lange was the general building supervisor and responsible for procuring supplies and equipment needed by the Chemistry Division (Seaborg, p. 431).

On February 11, 1944, Lange received orders from his Army draft board to report for pre-induction physical examination. At that point, Lange had worked at the Met Lab for two years. As told by Seaborg, Assistant Director of the Chemistry Division Pierce W. Selwood complained to John McKinley of the Area Engineer’s office. Selwood told him “that the loss of Lange will cripple the activities of the Chemical Division even more seriously than would the loss of one of the chemists” (Seaborg p. 431). Ultimately, Lange was stationed at the Armory (Seaborg, p. 501).

Prior to working at the Met Lab, he performed technical training at Northwestern University for one year and at Lewis Institute for two years. He also had assistant pharmacist’s papers. (Seaborg, p. 431).

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