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National Museum of Nuclear Science & History

William T. Hulse, Jr.

Flight Engineer on the Next ObjectiveTinian Island

Wendover, UT
509th Composite GroupManhattan Project VeteranMilitary Veteran
The crew of Next Objective, Hulse is picture on the top row at the far right

William T. Hulse, Jr. was with the 393rd Bombardment Squadron of the 509th Composite Group at Wendover Airfield in Utah and on Tinian Island in the Pacific from 1944 to 1945. Hulse was the Flight Engineer on the B-29, “Next Objective,” and studied aeronautical engineering at Parks Air College in St. Louis, Missouri prior to joining the 509th.

Crew A-3. Photo courtesy of Richard H. Campbell and the Janet Chapman Pence Collection from the Air Force Museum.

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