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National Museum of Nuclear Science & History


Oral History
Mitsugi Moriguchi’s Interview
April 10, 2024
Kelly:  This is wonderful. This is February 20, 2019. I’m Cindy Kelly. I’m in Nagasaki, Japan and I have with me a distinguished guest. I want you to first start by saying and spelling your name. Mitsugi Moriguchi:   My name is Mitsugi Moriguchi. Last year, I visited Hanford. In Hanford, there is an atomic reactor, […]
Oral History
John D. Smith
April 6, 2023
Tell us your name. My name is John Smith. J-O-H-N, S-M-I-T-H. Tell us where you studied. Okay, I attended University of Washington and Ohio State. I’m a licensed professional engineer in mechanical engineering in the state of Washington. And I went to work for the General Electric Company in April of 1947. And at the […]
Oral History
Tom Foulds’s Interview
June 14, 2019
Trisha Pritikin: Okay. It is January 15th, 2019, and we are in Lynnwood, Washington. I am interviewing Tom Foulds. Tom, would you please spell your name?  Tom Foulds: Yeah. Tom T-o-m, Foulds F as in Frank, o-u-l-d-s. Pritikin: Okay. Thank you very much. Now, Tom I’m going to ask you a set of questions, but feel free to add something […]
Oral History
Richard Eymann’s Interview
June 11, 2019
Karen Dorn Steele: Our second interview is with Richard Eymann, Spokane attorney and lead trial attorney for the Hanford downwinders. Trisha Pritikin: Okay. We are interviewing Richard Eymann. It is April 29, 2019. We are in Spokane, Washington at the Patsy Clark Mansion. Dick—may I call you Dick? Dick Eymann: Dick or Richard is fine. […]
Oral History
Bob Cook’s Interview
June 10, 2019
Karen Dorn Steele: It’s April 29, 2019. Our first interview is with F. Robert Cook, a retired Nuclear Regulatory Commission overseer at Hanford Reservation. First, why don’t you tell us a little bit about your background—where you grew up and something about your early education? Bob Cook: I was born in 1939 in St. Louis City. We lived in […]
Oral History
Collene Dunbar’s Interview
May 28, 2019
Cynthia Kelly: Okay, why don’t we start by having you tell us your name and spelling it? Collene Dunbar: My name is Collene Dunbar, C-O-L-L-E-N-E, and it’s pronounced Coll-ene. Jeffrey Nalezny: And your last name is spelled? Dunbar: D-U-N-B-A-R. Nalezny: Thank you. Kelly: Great! Thank you very much. Now we’re here to talk to about […]
Oral History
Carol Roberts’s Interview
Cynthia Kelly: Start by telling us your name and spelling it. Carol Roberts: Okay, my name is Carol B. Roberts. C-A-R-O-L, initial B, as in Bobby, R-O-B-E-R-T-S. I came here in June 1944 with my mother and my sisters because my dad had been sent by DuPont out here. That is how I came to be […]
Oral History
Virginia Ballard’s Interview
Virginia Ballard: I was born in Charleston, West Virginia. When I finished ninth grade, my dad, who worked for DuPont in Bell, West Virginia, was transferred to Morgantown, West Virginia. We moved to Morgantown in the summer of 1942. In 1943, near the end of 1943, DuPont asked Dad to transfer to Richland, Washington, and […]
Oral History
Michele Gerber’s Interview (2018)
April 12, 2019
Cindy Kelly: It is September 11, 2018. I’m in Richland, Washington, Cindy Kelly. I have with me Michele Gerber, and what I’d like to ask her to do is to tell us her full name and spell it. Michele Gerber: Michele Stenehjem Gerber. M-i-c-h-e-l-e. S-t-e-n-e-h-j-e-m. Gerber, G-e-r-b-e-r. Kelly: Tell us a little more about your background. What […]
Oral History
CJ Mitchell’s Interview
January 9, 2019
CJ Mitchell: It’s CJ Mitchell, Junior. That’s just CJ. No periods or anything. It doesn’t stand for anything. And Mitchell – M-I-T-C-H-E-L-L. Kelly: Great. I would have made that mistake. Just like Harry Truman. It’s Harry S Truman, no period. Mitchell: Yeah, my dad was a CJ as well. Kelly: Was he? Mitchell: Yes. Kelly: You’re a junior. […]