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National Museum of Nuclear Science & History

Atomic Heritage Foundation

Oral History
Irénée du Pont, Jr.’s Interview (2003)
October 15, 2013
Tell us your name. Irénée du Pont, Jr.: My name is Irénée du Pont, Jr. That’s spelled I-R-E-N-E-E D-U-P-O-N-T, comma junior. It’s like the girl’s name, Irene, which means peace, and Irénée is the French equivalent of the male Irene. Means peace. Tell me how you are related to Crawford Greenwalt. Du Pont: Crawford Greenwalt […]
Oral History
Marilyn Hanna’s Interview
October 1, 2013
Emily Efland: I’m Emily Efland and I am with the Atomic Heritage Foundation. Today is August 14, 2013, and we’re interviewing Marilyn Hanna.  So first, could you give me your name and spell it. Marilyn Hanna: My name is Marilyn Hanna. M-A-R-I-L-Y-N. H-A-N-N-A. Efland: And could you tell me about when you were born? Where you […]
Oral History
Gladys Evans’ Interview
September 26, 2013
Gladys Evans: I’m Gladys Ellen Wimberley Evans, G-L-A-D-Y-S E-L-L-E-N W-I-M-B-E-R-L-Y E-V-A-N-S.  Kelly: Terrific. Okay, now if you could start with telling us, you know, where you were born and raised and how you got to Oak Ridge. Evans: All right, well, I was raised in Sweetwater, Tennessee, which is about fifty miles from here, and […]
Oral History
Reba Holmberg’s Interview
Reba Holmberg: My name is Reba Justice Holmberg and I have lived in Oak Ridge since 1950, but I was born— Bob Holmberg: 1923.  Holmberg: I was born—[Laughter.] You have to do some editing. I was born here in the community of Robertsville in 1923 and I went to Robertsville High School, which is now the community school […]
Oral History
Robert Furman’s Interview
Robert Furman: Robert Furman. F-U-R-M-A-N. I was an assistant to General Groves in the Manhattan District, in his Twenty-First Street offices here in Northwest. And I joined him in late autumn of ‘43 and left him right after the war—right after the end of the war. Cindy Kelly: Can we—just to—no one’s going to hear […]
Oral History
Irene LaViolette’s Interview
September 23, 2013
Cindy Kelly: Let’s start by having you tell us your name and spelling it. Irene LaViolette: I’m Irene LaViolette. Kelly: And how do you spell that? Can you spell your name? LaViolette: I-R-E-N-E; V middle initial, LaViolette, L-A-V-I-O-L-E-T-T-E.  Kelly: Great. Today’s date is February 13, 2013. My name is Cindy Kelly and we’re here at […]
Oral History
J. P. Moore’s Interview
September 17, 2013
Ron Elmlinger: Well my name is Ron Elmlinger. E-L-M-L-I-N-G-E-R. And we are in Grand Junction, Colorado. Today is June 28, 2013 and I am here with J. P. Moore. Mr. Moore, would you please say and spell your full name? J. P. Moore: James Phillip Moore, Junior. Elmlinger: And that is M-O-O-R-E, I am sure. […]
Oral History
Lawrence Bartell’s Interview
September 10, 2013
Cindy Kelly: I am Cindy Kelly, and this is May 9, 2013 in Ann Arbor, Michigan. We’re interviewing Lawrence Bartell. Dr. Bartell, can you please say your name and spell it? Lawrence Bartell: My name is Lawrence Sims Bartell, I am the son of Lawrence Sims Bartell, but I’m not “junior” or “the second” or […]
Oral History
Dimas Chavez’s Interview
July 10, 2013
Cindy Kelly: I am Cindy Kelly and I am interviewing here Dimas Chavez. My first question to him is, please tell us your name and how to spell it. Dimas Chavez: Dimas, D-I-M-A-S Chavez, C-H-A-V-E-Z. I was born in the central part in New Mexico, a small little ranching, farming, Mexican-American community by the name […]
Oral History
Ray Stein’s Interview
June 20, 2013
Ray Stein: Okay. Ray Stein, S-T-E-I-N. I came from Erie, Pennsylvania originally. Are we started now?  Cindy Kelly: Yes, we started. Tell me your story. Stein: Okay. I had originally tried to join the Navy. I was at Penn State at the time. I tried to join the Navy, which—they rejected me—didn’t have enough teeth, […]