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National Museum of Nuclear Science & History

Military-Civilian Relations

Oral History
Dolores Heaton’s Interview
February 11, 2014
Alexandra Levy: This is December 29, 2013. We are here with Dolores Heaton in Florida. This is Alexandra Levy with the Atomic Heritage Foundation. My first question is to please say your name and to spell it.  Dolores Heaton: Dolores Heaton, D-O-L-O-R-E-S H-E-A-T-O-N.  Levy: Could you tell us a little bit about where and when […]
Oral History
Peggy Bowditch’s Interview
January 10, 2014
Cindy Kelly: I am Cindy Kelly, Atomic Heritage Foundation, and today is Thursday, November 7, 2013, and I have with me Margaret Parsons Bowditch. And my first question to her is to tell me her name and spell it. Peggy Bowditch: Peggy Bowditch, that is B-o-w-d-i-t-c-h. Kelly: Thank you. And can you tell me something about who […]
Oral History
Fay Cunningham’s Interview
December 13, 2013
  Cindy Kelly: Okay, my name is Cindy Kelly and I am in south Denver, Colorado. It’s June 25th, 2013. And I’m with Fay Cunningham. But the first thing I’m going to do is ask him to tell us his name and spell it. Cunningham: Fay Cunningham, F-A-Y, C-U-N-N-I-N-G-H-A-M; it’s a good old Scottish name. […]
Oral History
Thomas O. Jones’ Interview
November 21, 2013
I was in the Army drafted, classified for counter-intelligence work for reasons I will never understand.  I got into that, investigative work as an enlisted man and after about a year I was commissioned also in counter-intelligence work.  I continued there in the 6th service command in Chicago in that kind of work.  One day […]
Oral History Interviewee
Thomas O. Jones
Thomas O. Jones volunteered to join the Army before the start of WWII. As the war began to unfold in Europe, Jones was placed in a sub-organization of the Army called the Counterintelligence Corps. Eventually, his work in the Counterintelligence Corps led him to being involved with the Manhattan Project. Jones oversaw many of the […]
Oral History
Gwen Groves Robinson’s Interview
November 11, 2013
Cindy Kelly: Okay, I am Cindy Kelly, Atomic Heritage Foundation. It is Sunday July 7th, 20 13 and I am in Scarborough, Maine, with Gwen Groves Robinson. And the first question I am going to ask her is to tell us her name and to spell it. Gwen Robinson: To spell my name? It is […]
Oral History
Edward Doty’s Interview
November 7, 2013
Theresa Strottman: We are speaking with Ed Doty and we thank you so much for coming today. Ed Doty: You’re welcome; delighted to be here. Strottman: To start off the interview could you briefly could you tell me when and where you were born and something about your early education and training. Doty: Born in […]
Oral History Interviewee
Edward Doty
Ed Doty worked as a technician with the Army’s Special Engineer Detachment (SED) in Los Alamos for the Manhattan Project. He recounts what life was like working on the secret site.
Oral History
Winston Dabney’s Interview (1992)
Theresa Strottman: We are talking with Winston Dabney and we thank you very much for coming. Winston Dabney: I’m glad to be here. Strottman: Briefly to begin could you tell us when and where you were born and something about your early education. Dabney: I was born in King William County, Virginia on July 17, 1916. […]
Oral History
Lawrence Antos’ Interview
October 30, 2013
Yvonne Delamater: We are interviewing Lawrence Antos for the Manhattan Project video and we thank you for coming here today all the way from Albuquerque. Briefly tell me when and where you were born and something about your education and training. Lawrence Antos: I was born in Berlin, Illinois just outside of Chicago. I went […]