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National Museum of Nuclear Science & History

Military-Civilian Relations

Oral History
Norris Bradbury’s Interview – Part 2
August 25, 2016
Martin Sherwin: Okay, this is the middle of an interview with Norris Bradbury. Norris Bradbury: The fact that I wasn’t particularly involved in these discussions, of the type which the Federation of Atomic Scientists started—they started here, of course. I suppose I was committed to running a laboratory and trying to get people to stay […]
Oral History
Jean Bacher’s Interview
August 22, 2016
Jean Bacher: Ruth Valentine said, “I shall take Ruth [Tolman]’s desk.” She always saved letters. She had marvelous long letters from Robert, you know, especially at the time of the hearings. I knew they were just terribly close and shared a great deal. On the drawer of the desk, she’d said, “Destroy these.” Martin Sherwin: […]
Oral History
David Hawkins’s Interview – Part 2
August 18, 2016
Martin Sherwin: How much were the dues [to the Communist Party]? David Hawkins: God, I don’t remember. Not very much, or I wouldn’t have been able to afford them. Sherwin: Two bucks, five bucks? Hawkins: Yeah, something like that. Sherwin: A month? Hawkins: A month, yeah. I really honestly don’t remember. Maybe five bucks a […]
Oral History
Jack Widowsky’s Interview
August 4, 2016
Alexandra Levy: We are here on June 13th in New Jersey with Jack Widowsky. This is Alex Levy with the Atomic Heritage Foundation. My first question for you, Jack, is to please say your name and to spell it. Jack Widowsky: My name is Jack Widowsky. J-A-C-K, which is easy, but the last name is […]
Oral History
Kathleen Maxwell’s Interview
August 3, 2016
Nate Weisenberg: My name is Nate Weisenberg. I am doing this interview for the Atomic Heritage Foundation with Kathleen Maxwell here in Wellesley, Massachusetts. It is Monday, April 25, 2016. How did you get involved with the Manhattan Project? Kathleen Maxwell: I had just finished my Master’s degree at Smith [College], and I was contemplating […]
Oral History
Edward Purcell’s Interview
July 12, 2016
Martin Sherwin: I think the opportunity to talk to somebody who served with him on the Harvard— Edward Purcell: Oh, Harvard, that was the thing. No, this episode I was remembering, which must have been the spring of 1953, when Oppie [J. Robert Oppenheimer] was on the Board of Overseers. At that time, we’d had […]
Ames, IA
June 27, 2016
Several sites in Iowa played an important role during and after the Manhattan Project, including the Ames Laboratory at the Iowa State University where uranium production methods were developed, and the Burlington Atomic Energy Commission Plant, where atomic weapons were first assembled by the AEC.   The Ames Project The Ames Project, as it came […]
Oral History
Margaret Broderick’s Interview
June 23, 2016
Nate Weisenberg: My name is Nathaniel Weisenberg. I am here in Needham, Massachusetts with [Margaret] “Chickie” Broderick, recording this oral history interview for the Atomic Heritage Foundation. It is Monday, April 25, 2016. My first question for you is where and when were you born? Margaret Broderick: I was born in Boston, Massachusetts in 1921. […]
June 10, 2016
After the activation of the 509th Composite Group in December 1944, some members of the group (including members of the 393rd Bombardment Squadron, the unit’s combat squad) went to Cuba for training. At Batista Field in San Antonio de Los Baños, the group trained for a month. They worked on long-range, over-water flights, in preparation for the […]
Oral History
Louis Hempelmann Interview – Part 1
Martin Sherwin: Martin Sherwin, I am about to interview Dr. Hempelmann at Strong Memorial Hospital. You know, simply from all of the Los Alamos records, but who told me you were at Strong? That was, I think, Dorothy McKibbin. Louis Hempelmann:  Oh yeah. Sherwin: No, she confirmed it. She said you were coming out to […]